Cheese Picks - Why They're So Effective (And Hated) | League of Legends

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Cheese picks are occasionally sighted throughout League of Legends, with some occasionally rising to meta prominence. Today I want to discuss what about them is so effective, and also why people hate them.

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remember folks, a warwick with at least 1 hp is a warwick with full hp


It's a crime Karma top isn't here


warwick top legit made me hate barrier more than i hate some champions


One time I was playing with some friends and I wanted to try Camille support, but we drafted full ad and the enemy team last picked malphite
It was funny how the Camille support was the only one who could actually deal damage to the 1k armor malph


Tristana used to be a cheese pick, now she’s just overpowered. Used to be if you didn’t respect her all in at lvl 2 was about the only way you could lose to her. Now she’s basically impossible to kill thanks to bone plate and absorb life, and she basically always gets first tower.

Grubs have been huge for her. Her wave clear has always been insanely good because of her e passive, and the bomb does insane damage to tower. Pairing that with demolish and a few grubs means you cannot leave lane under any circumstances or you’re losing at least two plates. I think what makes Tristana kinda cheesy is she’s a character with insane tower push in a role where that’s very uncommon. That makes her really hard to punish because even if you’re winning lane in the traditional sense, more cs, a couple solo kills, she’s probably caught up with all the plate gold she’s gotten.

I think trist mid was fine in a world before tower plates but if they wanna keep her mid flex now, especially with grubs in the game, they need to reduce her e damage to turrets, otherwise she’s just gonna be toxic if she’s ever viable.


Fun fact: AP J4 Support has been played in high level pro play 38 times, with 20 wins vs 18 losses. Only counting major regions, this is 26 times with 15 wins vs 11 losses, 15 from Korea alone with 9 wins vs 6 losses.


one thing I love about league is the countless viable picks and playstyles you can choose from. it makes every game feel unique and refreshing.


I love your mention of what is "cheese picks" in League of Legends, and comparing it to what it means in Dota
In Dota 2, a "cheese pick" is exclusively referring to a last pick hero that is useless in 90% of games, unless specifically last picked when the enemy have no innate counters already drafted:

This includes Meepo and Broodmother (1v9 if the enemy have low lockdown or AOE clear), huskar (if they lack burst physical damage and antiheal) and Nyx Assassin (if all the other team's draft are squishy mages), alongside others. It's not about playing a hero in an off-meta way, it's playing a hero into a draft that didn't cover its weaknesses enough.


The problem with 'cheese' picks is that only damage matters now. You can have the best enchanter support or tank top or whatever but having another bruiser in the form of a camille support is much more effective since she deals damage and can absorb a lot too. The game needs less damage overall. And to be less snowbally too.


Love how “slayers can engage on them if they misposition” is being said while zed is just towerdiving a tf who’s full health under turret 😂


I hate cheese picks and the clips I'm in are me playing them lmao... sadly it seems you gotta adapt to them with how strong they've become in LoL


I just love me some cheese
Parmesan, Mozzarella, Mid Tristana, all delicious


I actually used to use Kindred as an adc for a while. You had 2 people you could mark with your passive so there were fun mind games with that, the scuttle on your side could be a target and you could plan around it with your jungler if you could get a Hank or push the wave, and it usually only took 1 kill to get things rolling. Yea it was cheesy and any game that went long only meant I had damage, but it was super fun 😂


I still remember the days I went Sett support, "oh you're hitting the support? have half of your hp as true damage"


in the support community, mage supports (velkoz, brand, zyra, xerath) are considered to be cheese picks. they’re like our version of ranged top.

mage supports are popular because they abuse enchanters poor early game and tanks poor range. they grant their adc a good aggro lane and easy access to farm, but they fall off after 15 minutes if they’re not fed kills.

mage supports either take over the game if they successfully cheese the lane and get tons of kills. however, if they go even against an enchanter or tank support - they won’t be able to get the items they need to scale and then offer the team no utility or peel.


As a person who plays exclusively Yorick mid with comet who’s entire game plan is to not allow the opponent to play while I hyper farm and am like 2 items above everyone:

He he ho ho


Everything should be allowed, if my team want to go lulu top, janna mid, sonna bot and seraphine support, ill choose yummi jungle. Its just a game.


Trist mid has grown from cheese pick into full blown meta


He says tristana mid gives up map tempo when compared to slayers, but she participates in Dragon fights in a very similar way to Talon because she can often rocket jump in and bomb a target the way talon leaps in and bursts a target, although her damage is a little bit more over time. So I won't say she has the same map tempo as say Talon or Zed, but she does have decent map tempo like at least 7/10 map tempo.


As someone who has dabble in the art of cheesing (shout out assassin support) I will say there should always be a place for this type of strategy, the issue is people in this game are too rigid and have highly inflated egos. So they either want the perfect set up or disregard anything that they haven't seen working cause they lack experience with it.
