The Rise Of Mage Bot Laners - Are They Better Than ADCs? | League of Legends

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In recent years, mages have been frequently spotted in the once known "AD" Carry role. Today we'll be discussing AP/Mage bot laners, and whether they might be stronger than marksmen themselves.

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Once upon a time on the rift, there existed a 6th role, one so OP and specialized that it had only 1 champion in it before Riot removed it. Yes, I'm talking about River Shen, may he Rest In Peace.


I think you are missing some important factors
1: lost chapter is a HUGE power spike for lane pressure, its so huge that 1 season after the mages being meta on bot lane, riot released mythics with adc quiver
2: the autoattack diference on early game is not so high, a 55 ad 0, 65 as vs a 65 ad 0, 8 as is really negligible
3: botlaners dont really know how to play against mages, especially champions like draven who are really vulnerable against skillshots
4: mages can easily run tp as a summoner, since they have sufficient wave pressure to get a cheated recall what is easily more worth it than a defensive spell on early game
5: after level 6, some lanes have the potential to just get you from 100% to 0% if one cc is landed with the help of their supports (especially veigar, lux and syndra, yes the later two are viable too on botlane)


To be fair playing Mages in botlane fels way more easier than laning mid against half of the matchups


Karthus adc having a 53%+ WR for like 5 patches in a row lol


People kept saying ADC is too strong not realizing it’s not the marksmen. It’s supports and dragons that’s op. If Kog is fed and isn’t next to his support then he dies instantly to any assassin. That goes for every adc. But when support gets ahead they make everybody tankier and usually has a way to speed up allies or cc enemies. It’s just like when people say bot diff instead of support diff. Supports win the lane usually. Supports make the top and jung incredibly hard to kill in team fights and shut down assassins late game with abilities like polymorph. Everybody can kill the ADC even if the adc is with the mid. But not if the ADC is with the support. Support is op and cheaper support items are going to make them more OP


as a new player i would love to hear more about how the roles became what they are and why they attract the classes they attract. and of course what you think how the different roles could or should work instead.


pointing out the dash range of melee champs compared to typical ADC range puts numbers to something that actually bothers me a lot. I play Wukong bot a lot because once he hits level 2-3 depending on the opponents if they don't give you infinite respect you can just dash on them and end their life. It's kinda crazy that I can play a melee champ bot lane and do better with him regardless of my support than I can with an ADC I have 500K+ mastery on.


I want to point out that the lost chapter cost reduction and dcap buffs single-handedly sent karthus bot to a 56% WR


As someone who has played taliyah bot for like 4 seasons and has even been recently successful with Diana bot, mages are definitely stronger bot than mid. Especially because imo burst tends to be more useful than “consistent damage” mainly cause in contest of consistent damage and burst, burst will just kill the consistent damage before they have the chance to get all that damage off


I find it interesting how often different roles rotate to different positions often, like assassins in top, mages as support, certain tanks as junglers, and yet most people don't like it when a marksmen rotates anywhere besides bot. Many don't like facing them top or even mid, and would rather not see them in jungle. The only role not allowed to change the status quo it seems.


I'm surprised that Heimer didn't make the short list for AP bot laners. He's already one of the safer laners in the game because he can keep pushing the turret line up, and when you pair him with a lockdown support or someone with a grab, he can be a serious monster.


Coming from dota, I don't know why people are so obsessed picking marksmen archetypes of heroes in that 1 specific lane, when there are multiple lanes and multiple styles of gameplay.

For me, picking Akshan/Vayne top is a clever move, as it changes the lane equilibrium and how can change the matchup to be much more favorable compared to using the default "meta".

Also, Jax adc is a big brain move from the person in happychimenoises' video.


Great video.
I'm genuinely curious why we don't see mages in the bot more. As a mid main that can't play marksman to save my life, when I get filled bot I STILL try to play marksman in an attempt to learn, rather than choosing a safe mage I can already play. I have no idea why.
The meta has been marksman bot so long that I struggle to choose or even think of playing anything else. It's interesting to say the least.


As a mid mage main I used to play secondary support, but recently I noticed it is way easier to just go secondary Botlane and play Seraphine and Veigar whom I already play mid, just in botlane and it has proven itself really effective
The times when I play Seraphine bot and my support is Lux is the time enemy botlane has no chance of existing while we also outscale them


I play Cassiopeia bot. She doesn't really have the advantages of other mage botlaners, instead she plays like traditional ADCs with her consistent and sustained damage. One would think Azir bot is similar, but it's really not the case because he's so much more dependent on solo xp for his scaling than gold


APC are some of the most fun characters to play, because theres nothing better than watching the ADC start flaming you when they start loosing.


My freind and I love playing Asol APC + Anivia Support. They work so well together for so many reasons. And they both scale very well into late.


It's probably cause it's such an old change, but something I don't see talked about when concerning how botlane meta developed is that your AP stat did no damage to turrets so having an AD carry was necessary for pushing. And sure, that probably seems irrelevant to league today, except that riot has, for better or worse, decided to balance the game around the meta that developed in early league. That's partly why aberrant playstyles, like classic funnel strats or roaming janna top, get nerfed out of existence by changes to fundamental mechanics. Both developers and community seem to have largely accepted that those early metas are the core league of legends experience.

Also league's balance and meta being so heavily influenced by pro play is likely why AD carries are seen as the standard, even if AP carries might often be better in solo queue.


Great episode. Tbh I'm almost 50-50% AD-AP botlaner to adapt on team/having fun. Don't forget the Varus AP build, that's a great way for a Botlaner player to add AP and to 100%→0% with 1 R-WQ (even on tank).


i do this with cariopea. cus she is basikly an ad charakter in playstyle already, also the ult matters more in 2v2 than 1v1 while the spit rarely needs to be used in lane so i can usualy use it to nope a jungle gank
