Все публикации

Cutting a Möbius strip

Pick 2/3 of the average

Singmaster's Conjecture

The 1/3–2/3 Conjecture

An impossible game at the heart of math

Why we take the axiom of choice

ChatGPT can't multiply, but can AI do math?

The Infinite Liar Paradox (Yablo's Paradox)

Cover's Paradox is very cool

A walk around a Möbius strip

Pi day


What does SPF mean?

Why cutting a Möbius strip is so weird

Knights and Knaves 2

Knights and Knaves

Strange Sequence Explained

A strange sequence

Why care about infinite dimensions?

Bertrand's Ballot Theorem

What is 2^π?

The Most Important Sequence: The Catalan Numbers

How to count to 1000 on your fingers

If it probably exists, then it does