Все публикации

Humans are meant to do everything

Desire is a contract

The funding for longevity already exists!

If you don’t get what you want out of life, you’re not smart.

Get used to saying, “I was wrong” in public.

Only the individual can search for Truth!

Credentials don’t matter

The team you build is the company you build.

What I look for in people?

How to manage Anger?

Life’s not that hard

The Deutsch Files III

Perfect Your Desires

Spend More Time Making the Big Decisions

How to Make the Maximum Amount of Money Possible

The Three Forms of Leverage

The Power of Leverage

Specific knowledge is knowledge that you cannot be trained for.

There is no skill called 'business'

Your desires are not yours.

Life’s short

What feels like play to you, but looks like work to others?

On having expectations

Most of life is searching, not doing