Все публикации

Life’s short

What feels like play to you, but looks like work to others?

On having expectations

Most of life is searching, not doing

Pick one desire at a time and pick it carefully

The Deutsch Files I

Work is the set of things that you have to do, that you don't want to do

Are Programmers Obsolete?

What I’m Re-reading, 2023 Edition

AI Assist in Writing and Speech

Wealth is a Byproduct of Knowledge

The Illusion of The Self

True Alphas Don’t Need Status Symbols

Why is the tech industry in the SF Bay Area?

Advice for Young Entrepreneurs

The AI in the Box

What is an Alpha Male?

The Unscheduled Life

Advice For Young Entrepreneurs

David Deutsch: Knowledge Creation and The Human Race, Part 2

An Artist’s Work is Done in Solitude

Become Uncompromising

David Deutsch: Knowledge Creation and The Human Race, Part 1

Understanding, Not Memorization