Все публикации

Enoch Doesn't Need to be Part of the Canon

What Will the New Heavens and the New Earth Be Like?

Are there Female Angels?

Word Meaning Depends on the Context

Is the Romans Road the Real Story of the Bible?| DDoB

Has the Church Always Opposed the Idea of E​xtraterrestrial Life?

Your Theology is Driving Your Bible Interpretation

Gnosticism is Nothing More than Watcher Theology

Are Neurological Problems Caused by Demons?!

Gnosticism does NOT have a High View of Women

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The Risk of Trusting Too Much in Your Eschatological Position

Justification is Not about having a Clear Slate | DDoB

Not everything in the Bible is a Proposition of Truth

Biblical and Systematic Theology Are Not the Same

No, Yahweh is Not a Space Alien

Eve sinned first but Adam sinned willingly

What is the Role of the Land of Israel in Eschatology?

Is a Good Afterlife the Main Motivation for People in the Bible? | DDoB

Nonliteral doesn't mean Not Real

Why ET is not a Problem for Christianity

Don’t make the texts say what isn’t there

There is no shortcut to Divine co-rulership

Jesus is the Unique Son of God