Все публикации

Dirac's belt trick, Topology, and Spin ½ particles

Why does 'False imply True' in logic?

Quantum Spin (8) - Stern Gerlach, Measurement, & Entanglement

Quantum Spin (7) - Wavefunctions & Motion in Magnetic Field

Quantum Spin (6) - H Is Self Adjoint & The Consequences Thereof

Quantum Spin (5) - Schrödinger's Equation & Matrix Exponentiation

Quantum Spin (4) - Classical Dynamics in Magnetic Field

Quantum Spin (3) - The Bloch Sphere

Quantum Spin (2) - Pauli Matrices

Quantum Spin (1) - Introduction

Noether's Theorem Explained (Part 6/6) - Energy and Time Translations

Noether's Theorem Explained (Part 5/6) - Total Derivatives

Noether's Theorem Explained (Part 4/6) - Proof

Noether's Theorem Explained (Part 3/6) - Angular Momentum and Rotations

Noether's Theorem Explained (Part 2/6) - Momentum and Spatial Translations

Noether's Theorem Explained (Part 1/6) - Introduction

The Euler Lagrange Equation and Lagrangian Mechanics

The Principle of Least Action