Все публикации

New Bring Sally Up Pull Up Challenge

I Trained Like Jin Woo from Solo Leveling for 7 Days

The Art of Pulling Strength

My Planche Inspiration

Calisthenics Athlete Vs Shoulder Press

Learn the Pullup in 5 Steps (beginner friendly)

Can a High schooler Complete the Impossible Muscleup?

Front Lever Transformation

Can This 'Proven Breathing Technique' Double My Pushups?

If Learning a Pullup Was Like a Videogame

Same Outcome Different Method

Muscleup Transformation

The Only Calisthenics Equipment You Need

Quality Vs Quantity

They Tried To Draft Me.....

Do You Agree?

Which person are you?

How to Bulk With Calisthenics

The last one 😭

Screw Motivation and Discipline

How to Create a Calisthenics Program

How to Create a Calisthenics Workout Plan (For Beginners)

Weighted Pullups Give You……

How Much Can You Dip? 🔥💪