Все публикации

Iron Chef Dad Cooking HACKS!

Rarest Watermelon in the World.

Iron Chef Dad Turns Kid Meal GOURMET!

Iron Chef Dad Turns LUNCHABLE's Gourmet.

Iron Chef Dad Cooks Jackfruit!

The Worlds Most Expensive Ice 🧊.

Cooking a Dragon Egg.

3 Easy Recipes My Iron Chef Dad Makes...

Iron Chef Dad makes Dim Sum 🥟.

$2 sushi vs $20 sushi

Iron Chef Dad tries Cheap vs Expensive Food.

Iron Chef Dad Tries Tanghulu.

what my Iron Chef Dad cooked EVERY DAY for me growing up.

What An Iron Chef Cooks for his Kids.

The Most Expensive Fruit.

Iron Chef turns McDonald’s into a Gourmet Meal!

have you ever seen this fruit?

The Rarest Pineapple in the World.

How to Cook with Ice 🧊

Giant King Crab

Iron Chef Dad Tries Cooking Video Games...

POV: you’re at lunch with an Iron Chef

Iron Chef Dad Turns #Jollibee Gourmet!

Iron Chef Dad's Cereal Tier List.