Все публикации

How Feynman did quantum mechanics (and you should too)

But why wavefunctions? A practical approach to quantum mechanics

Physics Students Need to Know These 5 Methods for Differential Equations

Quantum Wavefunction in 60 Seconds #shorts

To Understand the Fourier Transform, Start From Quantum Mechanics

The Surprisingly Subtle Limits of General Relativity

Particle Physics is Founded on This Principle!

The Most Important Math Formula For Understanding Physics

Field Theory Fundamentals in 20 Minutes!

To Master Physics, First Master the Harmonic Oscillator

The Symmetry at the Heart of the Canonical Commutation Relation

The Most Beautiful Result in Classical Mechanics

How to Succeed at Physics Without Really Trying

Before You Start On Quantum Mechanics, Learn This

Why Newton's 3rd Law is Conservation of Momentum in Disguise

Symmetries & Conservation Laws: A (Physics) Love Story

The First Thing You'll Learn in a String Theory Class

What I Wish I'd Known As A Beginning Physics Student

How Einstein Changed the Way We Look at the Universe #shorts

How Einstein Uncovered the Path a Particle Traces Through Spacetime!

Thinking Recursively: How to Crack the Infinite Resistor Ladder Puzzle!

The Special Relativistic Action, Explained

Explaining the Principle of Least Action: Physics Mini Lesson

The Melting Ice Problem!