Все публикации

Meiosis and the variation of gametes

Mitosis and Cell Cycle

The Principle of Immunoassays/ ELISA (Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay)

The Principle of Flow Cytometry and FACS (2- FACS: Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting)

The Principle of Flow Cytometry and FACS (1- Flow Cytometry)

The Principle Of Ion Exchange Chromatography, A Full Explanation

The principle of Column Chromatography and HPLC/Adsorption Chromatography

The Basic Principle of Chromatography and the Different Types of Chromatography

The Principle of Pulsed Field Gel Electrophoresis (PFGE)

The Principle of Southern Blotting and Northern Blotting, Blotting Techniques, The Full Mechanism

Blotting Techniques/ The Principle of Western Blotting

The Principle of Agarose Gel Electrophoresis, a full explanatory video

CRISPR System and CRISPR CAS9 Technique, The full principle (Part 1)

CRISPR CAS9 Gene Editing Technique, The Full principle (Part 2)

The principle of Lowry assay, Biuret assay, and Bicinconinich (BCA) assay protein assays

X Inactivation: The full mechanism, the formation of the Barr body, Heterochromatin and euchromatin

The principle of Real Time PCR, Reverse Transcription, quantitative rt-PCR

The principle of PCR-Polymerase Chain Reaction, a full and easy explanation

A full explanation about Bradford assay, Coomassie Brilliant Blue and the calibration curve

A full explanation about the Telomerase and the end replication problem

The principle of 2D Gel Electrophoresis/and the isoelectric point

The principle of SDS PAGE-a full and clear explanation of the technique and how does it work