Все публикации

list your desires, read it over, and tell no one

daily affirmations for unapologetic confidence

daily affirmations for everything you desire⏐guided affirmations

the only advice we needed to get results

physical appearance and 3D reality⏐SATS guided visualization

daily affirmations for self love and calm

things needed urgently, manifest last

how to get what you want (according to Wallace Wattles)

when you stop wanting it, you get it | a useful paradox

if you can't ignore your circumstances, then don't

exactly how your desire becomes physical reality

after reading 100 books on manifesting, here's what works

the rockstar reverend and his “Prosperity Gospel”

how the universe speaks to you

how this metaphysician manifested, BEFORE neville goddard

if you can focus for 68 seconds...

when the law of attraction 'failed', these other laws prevailed

rhythm and rush

if you dare to assume

why you feel unloved | an introspective take on EIYPO

why your lover left, and why it isn't over | law of rhythm

indifference is seductive | attracting a specific person

the art of alignment | the key to everything you want

a thought on December 21st.