Все публикации

DETHRONED: swapping out the king of all speakers

I used to absolutely HATE this 80s tone

Try to find this setting on your Les Paul.

It took me a year to meet this goal

Is there really a 'secret' to getting better?

How much can you really make playing sessions in Nashville?

They told me I needed one...

You might not like this answer

5 reasons the Pros reach for an ES-335

Be the player who makes every song BETTER

Am I leaving?

The Keeley 4-in-1 Noble Screamer

The Keeley 4-in-1 Angry Orange

The Keeley 4-in-1 Blues Disorder

The Keeley 4-in-1 Super Rodent

The Robert Keeley Interview

Overdub Sessions - You can enhance ANY song.

Do y'all even Throbak?

Musicians, stop questioning everything you do

The Novo Serus J is perfect. So why did I mod it?

OD Sessions: Playing the changes vs. NOT playing the changes???

One delay rule TO RULE THEM ALL #guitar

Overdub Sessions: Bonehead things I've done in my career.

Natural Ability vs Practice