Все публикации


Law of Segregation (Mendel's First Law of Inheritance) (FL-Genetics/03)

Monohybrid Cross, Dominant and Recessive Trait, Reciprocal Cross (FL-Genetics/02)

Mendelian Genetics: P, F1 and F2 Generation (FL-Genetics/01)

Type IV Hypersensitivity Reactions: Features and Mechanism (FL-Immuno/88)

Hypersensitivity ( I, II, III, IV): An Introduction (FL-Immuno/82)

Type III Hypersensitivity Reactions: Main features and Mechanism (FL-Immuno/87)

Type II Hypersensitivity Reactions (PART 2): Mechanism explained ! (FL-Immuno/86)

Type II Hypersensitivity Reactions (PART 1) : General Features (FL-Immuno/85)

Type I Hypersensitivity Reactions (PART 2) : Mechanism explained! (FL-Immuno/84)

Type I Hypersensitivity Reactions (PART 1) : General Features (FL-Immuno/83)

Western Blotting (Immunoblotting) : Principle and Complete Procedure Explained ! (FL-Immuno/81)

Frank Lectures -Channel Trailer

Peripheral B cell Tolerance - Anergy (FL-Immuno/80)

Central B cell Tolerance : Receptor Editing, Clonal Deletion and Anergy (FL-Immuno/79)

Peripheral T cell Tolerance - Clonal Deletion and Anergy (FL-Immuno/78)

Central T cell Tolerance - Positive and Negative Selection (FL-Immuno/77)

Immune tolerance - An introduction (FL-Immuno/76)

Primary and Secondary Immune Response (FL-Immuno/75)

How pregnancy test kits work (PART II) (FL-Immuno/74)

How pregnancy test kits work (PART I) (FL-Immuno/73)

Sandwich ELISA (FL-Immuno/72)

Indirect ELISA (FL-Immuno/71)

Direct ELISA (FL-Immuno/70)