Все публикации

Pyrosequencing - The Basic Principle and Steps Involved Explained

Apoptosis - An Introduction

Denaturation and Renaturation of DNA

Melting Temperature of DNA (Tm)

RNA splicing and Spliceosome

How Sanger Sequencing Works? (Classic Sanger Method)

Northern Blotting

Nucleic Acid Hybridization and Probes

Southern Blotting

Karyotype and homologous chromosomes

Spindle, Centrosome, centrioles, chromosomal segregation

Cell cycle and Interphase

Chromosomes, chromatin, chromatid and sister chromatid

Haploid vs Diploid cell and Cell division

Mitosis : All Stages Simplified!

The Cell Cycle Control System (Growth factors, cyclins and cdks) (FL-Cancer/03)



Basic Concepts 01 - Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)

Cell Cycle Checkpoints (FL-Cancer/02)

Cancer Biology - An Introduction (FL-Cancer/01)

Law of Independent Assortment (Mendel's Second Law) (FL-Genetics/07)

Monohybrid vs Dihybrid, Monohyrid Cross vs Dihybrid Cross (FL-Genetics/06)

Genotype, Phenotype, Homozygous, Heterozygous, Homozygote, Heterozygote (FL-Genetics/05)