Все публикации

Good For Him

This is Desperation

There’s Only One Blade!

The Themes of THX 1138

This Looks Meh…

That’s Weird…

William Shatner’s Scrapped Appearance on Star Trek: Enterprise

Why Was This Film Made?

The Problem With Star Wars Under Disney

Network (1976) Review

Back To The Beginning…

Thunderbolts and The Moral Relativism of Modern Hollywood

Is The Rey Movie on Hold?

OMG! NOT AGAIN! Make it Stop!

Why It Will Never Matter…

Agatha Who Cares?

The Garbage That Passes For Star Trek Nowadays

Will They Allow The Show To Fail?

LucasFilm Sued For Using Peter Cushing’s Likeness in Rogue One

These Are Phenomenal Fan Films…

Will They Cancel Rings of Power?

OOF! Ratings Plummet!

Musings on AI-Generated Vs AI-Assisted Content

WTF Have They Done?