Все публикации

September 28, 2024

Day 5 - Posture Reboot: Fortify

Becoming the Expert In Life with A Fused Spine

Day 4 - Posture Reboot: Aligned Strength

Aligned Strength workout for scoliosis and kyphosis

Fascia Flow in Action

Understanding Schroth Breathing

Day 3 - Posture Reboot: Alignment

My Scoliosis Story #shorts #shortvideo

Considerations for Scoliosis Fusion Surgery #shortsvideo #shorts #scoliosis

Day 2 - Posture Reboot: Unlocking the Hips

Energize Your Posture and Play with Purpose #shorts #shortvideo #scoliosis

The Importance of Fascia in the Nervous System #shorts #shortvideo #scoliosis

My Kyphosis Story

Day 1 - Posture Reboot: Foundations

Man unravels kypho-scoliosis in the gym

Fascia and The Schroth Method #shortsvideo #shorts #scoliosis

Inside Out Healing with Fascial Maneuvers

The One Breath That Fixes It All

How To Align Your Spine With Breath

Fascial Moves That Elevate Posture

The Parable of the Free Wolf and the Chained Dog

Ideal Movement Lifestyles for Longevity #shortsvideo #shortvideo #scoliosis

The Parable of the River's Transformation