Все публикации

When You Take Writing Advice Too Literally

NASA: 'Discovery of Extraterrestrials has Huge Implications for Sci-Fi Worldbuilding.'

Two Types of Alt-History Worldbuilding

When a 'Plot Twist' is WAY too Obvious

When you just want to look at spoilers

Thinking About Writing vs. Actually Writing

Guy Who Overhypes His Favorite Book

The Two Types of Sci-Fi Worldbuilding

When Your Friend Takes a Book Recommendation Too Seriously

Just one of those days, I guess...

When A Writer Meets an AI Bro

How Brandon Sanderson Fans 'Recommend' the Cosmere

Media Literacy in 2074

Existential Hard Sci-Fi...With Vampires? | Blindsight Review

If Contemporary Fiction Was Written Like Science Fiction

A Normal Conversation Between Two Readers

When the 'Worldbuilding' is just a Fetish

Has Tiktok RUINED Reading???

How Dune Fans 'Recommend' the Books

How Loving Fantasy Helped Me Learn to Love Reality

The Two Types of Fantasy Worldbuilders

When Your Friend Gives You a Book as a 'Gift'

30 year-old Harry Potter fans who still refuse to read anything that's not Harry Potter

Stormlight Archive Theories I Hate with Every Cell in My Body