Final Fantasy XIII - The Movie - Marathon Edition (All Cutscenes & Cinematics) - HD

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The holidays are coming, so I figured I'd drop another Marathon edition for all you crazy kids that want to see 8 hours worth of FF13 goodness :) Same as the FFX version, it's all 19 parts of the Movie Version I made stuck together as one marathon video :)

Here's a list of my Marathon Edition Gaming Movies:
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Sazh and Vanille's confrontation scene will always be one of the best scenes in the game.


This was actually my first final fantasy game and I absolutely loved it :D


"When prayers turn into promises, not even fate can stand in their way." One of the bests quotes in all final fantasy history S2


"You think you die and everything will be sugar and rainbows!"
"What do you want from me!"

Best part of the game.


Final Fantasy XIII has the most unique and beautiful soundtracks I've ever heard for a game.


8 hours marathon... done it. now i'm going to sleep.
thank you for this video, this is very well made.


*Revisiting FFXIII after 7 Years since playing it. Oh my god, how could I forget how beautiful this game was, and still is..*


My mum said i can watch one more video before bed..


"fighting without hope is not a way to live, it's just a way to die" lighting


What a beauty of a game. I have huge respect for them for putting so much effort and thought into the storytelling and cinematics. A lot of game designers put too much emphasis on "exciting" gameplay but this game stands out because it put its story first and did so amazingly. As someone who considers video games an art, this is honestly one of my all time favorites. FFXIII beats even actual movies at their job of being movies. I cried so many times throughout this, and I probably would again if I watched it. It's just so long. Eight and a half hours of pure storytelling... that's longer than a lot of games in their entirety.


My grandma bought me this in 2010-2011 and its been one of my favorite games of all time ever since. The Art, Ost, environments, gameplay, and bosses its all perfect.


This was beautifully done sir! Every bit of exposition, dialogue and small comment covered and I absolutely love how you edit in the travelling and a few encounters to help transition from not only location to location but also one plot point to the next. So many videos would just show the cinematic and cut-scenes but that little extra effort you've put in has paid off in spades here and it allowed me to follow the progression, story and journey easier. For this i wanted to give you the praise you deserve. Excellent work and thank you for allowing me to re-enjoy a game I liked when it first came out and thoroughly enjoyed experiencing again in your video.

On a side note, i only ever played XIII but was always curious about the story and were it went through the rest of the XIII saga. Have you done videos as well for XIII 2 and Lightning returns? if so id love to watch them. Again great work!


"I was a soldier..."
The Train at the start

FF7 vibes


I think Snow's answer to everything is Serah.

edit: why is this still blowing up is ffxiii still relevant or sumn


I actually cried at the end when we see Vanille & Fang in crystal stasis!POWERFUL!


i don't know why people hate 13....its pretty fucking awesome can't wait for the third part to come out.


This was very well done. I really appreciate how you included all of the events that occurred during gameplay rather than only showing the cutscenes. It helps tell the entire story.


I played this 10 years ago and looking through this now it's amazing how full of life these cutscenes are. There's very few "everyone stands around while exposition is fed to them and someone says this because they have this personality." They react nonstop to what's going around them in a way that shows how they're feeling, whether you notice it or not, even if it's just Lightning at 49:06 giving Snow stinkeye for a nanosecond over his cringy speech. And coming to a better understanding of how real people have defense mechanisms to cope with life, like Snow's compulsive positive reframing, Vanille believing she has no right to be anything other than a cheerful ray of sunshine to others, and Hope stewing in his emotions but choking up when it comes to acting on them. It can be VERY annoying yes, but that's just what real people are like. A journey isn't going to change you immediately, you might go in circles a few times before you finally break free from your neuroses. The game was much more concerned with showing that gradual and nuanced process over any lore or making sure you understood the plot. So basically, if you didn't like the characters, then you weren't going to like the game, and if you didn't like the gameplay, you you probably weren't going to be invested in the characters, but you can't argue how much realistic detail was put into them.


That ending always leaves me with a warm feeling in my heart. God how I love this game.


I don't know about you guys, but although the plot was confusing at times, I enjoyed the story nonetheless. There may be a lot of hate for it, but I'm going to go out and say this: FFXIII is freaking badass!
