Final Fantasy 13 - All Summons and Ultimate Attacks (4K Remastered)

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☆ All summons and ultimate attacks from Final Fantasy 13 remastered in 4K.
0:00 - Odin "Zantetsuken"
1:15 - Shiva "Diamond Dust"
2:31 - Bahamut "Megaflare"
3:42 - Alexander "Divine Judgment"
5:06 - Hecatoncheir "Gaian Salvo"
6:20 - Brynhildr "Muspell Flame"
7:39 - Lightning "Army of One"
7:53 - Snow "Sovereign Fist"
8:02 - Sazh "Cold Blood"
8:14 - Hope "Last Resort"
8:26 - Fang "Highwind"
8:33 - Vanille "Death"
FF13 limit breaks. Final Fantasy XIII summons.
0:00 - Odin "Zantetsuken"
1:15 - Shiva "Diamond Dust"
2:31 - Bahamut "Megaflare"
3:42 - Alexander "Divine Judgment"
5:06 - Hecatoncheir "Gaian Salvo"
6:20 - Brynhildr "Muspell Flame"
7:39 - Lightning "Army of One"
7:53 - Snow "Sovereign Fist"
8:02 - Sazh "Cold Blood"
8:14 - Hope "Last Resort"
8:26 - Fang "Highwind"
8:33 - Vanille "Death"
FF13 limit breaks. Final Fantasy XIII summons.
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