Ben Is 3-Bet Bluffing Tom Dwan With 7 High??

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Props to Ben I remember last year he was complaining that he didn't want to play with Jungleman or other big pros, now he is in there battling. NH


Having the 7 is blocking combination of 72s, genius play also GTO approved


I really think that the commentator shouldn't talk to twitch chat while there is a hand going on and there is table speech, makes the enjoyment of watching an enjoyable hand very unenjoyable. Although i must say i really liked the moment where he picked up on the fact that Tom Dwan noticed Nik Airballs table talk after the bet was very suspicious .
And this moment is what i think makes this hand more interesting.
Tom Dwan notices that Nik Airball is bluffing and makes the call. From his perspective a call makes sense as he doesn't know what Ben will do or has, although raising is also an option. Now we don't know 100% if Ben also noticed that Nik Airballs bet was a bluff, but he probably did because later on he reraised Tom Dwans call which makes me think he already knew Airball was bluffing because betting into 2 people in this position is very risky and i don't think is recommended. This brings us to a interesting situation where Ben now has a lot of information, and is actually playing only against Tom Dwan. I think this whole situation is interesting where we can see the power of position aswell, because both players got the information, but power of position itself gives Ben the opportunity to turn his hand into a bluff. I don't wanna go too far but i'm pretty sure that Ben, maybe even subconsciously, noticed that Tom Dwan picked up on the bad bluff from Airball aswell.
That's where i think that bluff even came from, because after Tom Dwan's call, Ben sensed weakness and went for the kill.
There is something about live poker and situations like these where you can just feel the situation out. I think this happens in humans brains subconsciously but i think i was able to dissect the situation and pick up on the live tells and put into words what happened in this situation which in my opinion is very interesting.


Can you have the volume in the Only Poker ad turned down. It's significantly louder than the main video.


Commentator again showing that he doesnt know anything. Dwan wants to see last card so he would know in what spot would he be with sevens against river bet if he called, not to see will he win against seven-three..


Ben raised preflop as the SB. Showing a tighter range (if you play SB wide 4 ways you a fish) Then when the flop came everyone checked. The turn hit, Ben check raised the 1/2 pot C bet with an over bet of 1.5X pot. Although the board isn’t coordinated, Dwan probably put him on a range of A2, A9, 10 9S, pocket pair or bluff to steal the pot. The issue is Dwan floated for too long and played passively in a multi way pot. So when Ben check raised it’s just the better play and a tough spot for everyone else, plus the over bet was polarizing. Dwan simply didn’t have enough to call given the situation. That’s my take


Tom asking "what was the last card" was him trying to act like he had a draw. Tom gets all these "stream pros" confused. LOL.


enjoy it while it lasts, Ben .... Tom will felt you on the next hand


Dwan 4'11'' ' I know i fucked up" lol


Not only do they want to beat you... They want to analyze it and explain it.


If he called there he would be the MASTER


Tom said whats the last card bc he was embarrassed he didnt call thereand wanted the table to think he folded a gutter and 1 over


tom's hand is way too obvious here, but if he had info that guy is capable of bluffs like this it could've been one of the sickest calldowns ever


hahaha, now Tom is like...u shouldnt show ur hand...


When Ryan Feldman got a Haircut, I think they Forgot to Cut the Front Part of his Head. It’s Long and Straggly Looking Bangs.


Everyone praising him. He's a call station like a lot of pros, wait until he runs into good hands.


when a donk defend itself against sharks


You call the reraise turn, you have to call the river too.
For $20 no problem,
$250, 000 yikes!


The hand doesn’t make any sense tbh, it’s not the easiest call but it’s definitely not a difficult call.


Surprised Durrr even delayed for that long. That was a convincing reraise.
