Mods anyone can do to their Fender Strat. Sharpen My Axe

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#knowyourgear #sharpenmyaxe #mcknightrepair

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Tools used in this video
Radius Gauge with slots
Fret Rocker
Precision Notched Straightedge
The Music Nomad gauge I use
Digital Caliper
Digital Multimeter
Nyon test Socks
Clip On Tuner in this video
My Favorite set up tools

Fender locking Tuners

Switch Craft Mono Output jack

Fender bone nut. You can find them for less on other web sites but here is the part.

Here are some other products from a dealer I trust and buy from online

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I've repaired and built guitars since the 70's and have see a lot of bogus stuff on the internet. Your advice and tips have a lot of fact and integrity, which is why i subscribed to your channel a few weeks ago. Keep up the good work!


My dad bought locking tuners (strat) for my squire affinity tele and it didn’t fit and since he is such a dad he pulled out his power drill and drilled holes in my headstock to make it fit. Now it stays in tune for like an eternity and it plays great 👍.


Great video. You do a good job explaining your work. I've set up hundreds of guitars and have one comments on the nut installation. Folks, do NOT glue the nut in before you're sure it is perfect. In the video, Phil drops in a stock Fender nut that's a little too wide for the slot and sticks out. Make sure you've sanded the ends of the nut so it's perfectly flush before you install it. Sanding it later is really hard to do. Second, get the nut slots perfect before you glue it in. You need to do this with the strings at full tension, and sand the slots one by one. A Strat or Tele is fully playable without the nut being glued at all, so be sure it's right before you glue it. That's all. Otherwise, great tips.


I really admire what you do.

It's hard to find people who will properly walk through the steps necessary to do the guitar repairs yourself.

You are also one of the first I've come across who is not a rude snob.

When I take it to music stores (local and Guitar Center), they just want a quick buck out of me for stuff my guitar does not need.

I remember taking my acoustic to my local music store to have the truss rod adjusted because it was bowing and I did not want to risk damaging the neck. He straightens it then suggests leaving it with him so he can charge me $60 to do more stuff to it. While suggesting this, he has his other employee set up the price tag on my guitar case and everything. It was ridiculous. I told him I was not interested and he ultimately let me go after I paid for guitar strings to cover what I initially brought it in for.

Simple repairs shouldn't cost a fortune and I should not have to fight to decide what I want to do with my instrument.

Keep doing what your doing!


The sandpaper on the string is the BEST tip I've seen in ages! This solves a nut repair problem I have that I didn't want to but a nut file for one slot! Good tip Phillip! Awesome as always! Best tips overall in ages!


As usual, a very informative video.
first thing i did was swap the tuners too, then got carried away and fitted custom shop 69 pups and pots, , Hg saddles, and deglossed her ! couldn't stand the toyish plastic gloss poly stuff. Then i learnt about neck relief and action It's very comforting and rewarding to work on your instrument!


"grab on to the nut where you can get as much meat as possible"

- Phillip Mcknight


Tuning machines should be that easy to change on ALL guitars!


"I will flash the part right now" *nothing happens*


People will mess with a $30, 000 dollar car but they are afraid to work on a $400.00 dollar guitar. I can't figure that out?


I don't even have a strat...why am a watching this ?


My Mexican Strat sounds amazing and plays amazing. Best guitar ever.


8:06 "fine end of my cuticle file is probably 12, 000 (grit)".  I checked my cuticle file by counting the grit specks on a square inch of it, and I only had 11, 458 grit specks.  Should I return my cuticle file and complain that I was 'ripped off'?


Your videos are absolutely great!! So easy to follow, straight to the point, clear speaking voice. Really helped me out and actually had good angles from the camera so we could see every detail. Thanks


Your video quality and editing has improved massively. Great info as always, but way more enjoyable to watch!


14:20 that's a lot of trust right there.


Mr. McKnight, you are _The Man_, sir.


My first electric guitar was a 2000 Chinese made squire. I did, and still do, love the neck. I was going to buy a new MIA strat, but then I had the brilliant idea of upgrading almost everything on the guitar. I got a new input jack and a completely new pickguard and wiring kit from Sigler Music with seymour duncans. Then I installed licking tuners, a new bridge assembly, and brushed steel saddles. My guitar now sounds and feels. better than my friend's MIM strat.


I have a bit of a theory that's different from what many folks think. I've been playing for a long long time, like more than 55 years. Way back when I was poor I had to do a lot of stuff myself but now that I got a couple bucks I always try to support the hardworking dedicated luthiers so they can keep doing what they do. They are artists and very committed to their craft (at least the ones I know are) so I don't mind at all throwing a few bucks on them to take care of my stuff. That whole do it yourself trip is ok for youngsters but at my age it just cuts into the time I could be in my studio doing what I love most. Just my thoughts. Cheers all.


3:27 - If you have a gloss finish, you have to take an exacto knife and slowly score away the finish between the nut and the neck. If you don't, you risk chipping the finish.
