How These Items RUINED Tarkov’s Late Wipe Experience

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The problem with good gear in Tarkov is that they require set of other good gear to work properly. If you find lvl 6 armor while being little Timmy it doesn't change much, since your weapon choice is poor and you have no way to obtain good helmet. Even if you kill chad player you might get set of good armor, helmet and weapon, but then only good ammo you have is that in his mags, so propably not enough for full raid. I believe that's one of the most important reason ppl have gear fear


I do agree, the whole "making so much powerful gear available to endgame players for relatively cheap" does make it stale for both sides as time goes on. And with the plate system regression, TTK differences were skewed a bunch since the amount of nearly best in slot plates along with the soft armors you mentioned.

And on top of what you said about in-raid weapons, I truly wish that AI would be affected by gun durability. Nothing more frustrating than getting pelted from 150m by an SKS with no rear sight and mp-155 tier spread held together by wood glue and prayer.


To be honest, i generally don't enjoy late wipe mainly because the viabillity of most guns and ammo is just close to zero. We always only had like 3-5 guns that were really good in late-wipe and I'm pretty sure this remains a consistent issue.

I think, aside from some ammo buffs to lower performinc rounds like 5.45, we also need some more higher RPM guns for certain calibers or just more ammos with better pen values for calibers that simply lack these things. AK's with 800-900 RPM or higher pen ammo on for example 12.7x55 (Ash-12), Shotguns or 9x21 could make these calibers at least a contestor in the late wipe.

I also keep saying that the current armor system basically brought us back to how we were BEFORE the armor plate system. It's kinda just throwing the most expensive stuff at each other because everyhting else is not viable in comparison to the rest. The first iteration of plates certainly had it's issues but it made you way less reliant on using high-pen ammo because there were various hitboxes where you medium-pen stuff could still fire through.


Most weapons were viable and tier 5 was common until the armor change. It had been the only wipe ever where the meta was only barely better than other options and nearly any loadout was justifiable.


True, this is because of the armor changes, making the armor yet again a "win-all" button.

This wasn't an issue before the hitboxes change, because ther armor suddenly couldn't protect you the same way it did, so you'd die a lot more in the process, thus armor just wasn't as important anymore. Therefore > Variety!

Now it's very important, therefore > Meta!


In my opinion with almost 2k hrs in this game I just recently started a PvE with my friends where I’m doing a no flea market run and honestly it’s opened my eyes to the fact they should either erase the flea or make it barter only that alone would severely slow down wipe progression because you actually have to find what you need/want in raid or get it from traders makes the game feel way more natural because you don’t become so strong at lvl 15 and instead slowly get stronger based on trader rep and what you actually scavenge


If I didn’t have to have max traders and play 40 hours a week minimum to get some halfway usable ammo I don’t think class 6 would be an issue. That being said I don’t have any ammo unlocked to penetrate class 6 armor and I die regularly because of this. I’m also bad.


anything up to tier 6 should be found in raid

I meant any armor/cosmetics that are tier 6 should be Found in raid only. instead of constantly having rich chads purchasing tier 6 armor over and over.


I think if they just went back to the last (improved) armor system we'd be set. It was more realistic and and made more guns viable. In that scenario I would be okay with making class 6 armor more rare. Not now tho. You gotta have that class 6 on the front or else you're gonna loose every time you can't make a headshot to the guy that has it and he's probably played a couple thousand hours more than you so you're definitely gonna loose then. The system at the start of patch 14 was great just needed a little more tweaking. Hope it's back for 15.0.


I actually miss the 762x39 BP Mutant and Ghzel meta from 2 wipes ago...


Why not adjust this from a different viewpoint?
Instead of adjusting what's mentioned in the video consider this:
Increase leg meta weapons availability?
Also increase ammo purchase amount limitations?
Loadouts might start becoming very interesting.


With peace, love and respect for everything you do for the Tarkov community...

Streamer: **Helps define the meta.**

Also streamer: "Here's why the meta sucks."

We love you, Mr. Beef, but you walked into that one. 🤣


You scroll through every post about armor and just see people hating the new system. They bloated armor values to incorporate a new system and then reverted it to the old system without reverting values, so all armor is just freakishly tanky now. We either need new hitboxes to not die from fleeting hits to your armpit or just give up and revert to the original armor system.


I actually think the armor hit-box revisions ruined the wipe. This is just a by-product.


They could always open up the gates to the great equalizer... the ks23m.


I think I would have loved it so they kept what they started with the armor plate system but remove the armpit hitbox and make it so armors could have variance in effectiveness like a class 3 armor could be be more like Class 3.7 that way soft armors could be better but not OP and in some of the heaviest armors that have terrible debuffs and weight add class 4 soft armor to the thorax and also make it so some plate carriers could be worn over soft armor vests as long as the vest does not have plates in it.


Surely it's just boring to run the same stuff every raid. If I don't use the meta gear, I feel like I'm at a disadvantage, but if I run MDR or Spear every raid it gets boring eventually. Any other gun I want to use just isn't gonna work when half the server is wearing tier 6 armor. So, I think making the super good stuff harder to get would be good, so people will use what they have, instead of crafting 10 cpc mods and filling a item case with cult termites. (Definitely did not do this myself). Having infinite money at the end of wipe is going to happen, but just buying all the best stuff each time isn't good for anyone.




As always, when "remove this remove that" comes up, before all that you need to add loot spawns and edit loot tables, and then make it so it's not a slot machine if you get anything worth the time


More like how the armor changes ruined the late wipe… wild how many shots can be eaten if you don’t hit the head.
