Do You Need a Computer Science Degree to be a Software Engineer?

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This is by far one of the most frequently asked questions I received so I decided to dedicate a video on whether or not you need a degree in computer science to become a software engineer.

Thanks for watching this video!

As always, have a great week and God bless.

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I'm 31, I got my first SE job two months ago (I haven't started yet because of the pandemic, it stills counts right?). No degree, no bootcamp, just self-taught all the way. So if you're around my age and having doubts, it's definitely possible.

You might have a hard time finding direction at first like I did. I mean how do you know if you want to be a frontend dev or backend dev? So far I'm enjoying doing both, but I wouldn't call myself a "Fullstack" developer, just someone without enough experience to decide yet. If you follow this channel, you know Gyasi didn't start as a frontend dev, he discovered what it likes after getting some work experience. Taking a more "generalist" route is almost the same as a CS degree when you think about.

If you can prove that you have a fundamental understanding of programming and building software, you can get a job. Once you start working, you'll learn what you like, then you can plan your career path accordingly.


No you absolutely DON'T, I'm an EXAMPLE.
I started with HTML, CSS in Dec 2016 and working as a SE now. Also cleared a good amount of on-site interviews at Google, Facebook and Amazon.


"I'm a minority and my ancestors fought for people like myself to get an education" POWERFUL WORDS BRO.
That's the reason I didn't give up of my bachelor in Linguistics, even though I've found out that I want to work with development


Man I'm 25, working as a housekeeper at a hospital but I'm not happy where I am at and want to get into this field without dedicating 4yrs of my life away because I already feel like I have but you have inspired me to take that first step.

This was God-sent but I still don't want to get overlooked.


Good video! I would probably just summarize this:
1) CS degree is not required
2) CS degree makes it significantly easier to get your first job

Btw I also think about producing a video on this topic


It depends. First off, the biggest benefit college offers endless networking, so like he said there are many people who go in to SWEing with other degrees but most colleges have relationships with businesses that get you a leg in. Is that worth tens of thousands of dollars? Maybe, it completely depends on how much you want to put yourself out there and if you can face more rejection.
Also if you want to go into defense contracting or a company that does work for the government a degree is required.
As for knowledge, I learned more from a week's worth of intro YouTube tutorials on SpringBoot, NodeJs, and React than I learned in 4 years in college. All that degree did was open doors.


I am only 23 but I have worked a lot of jobs and I am at a job now that I thought would be the one but instead it has become the most stressful job I have ever had in my life. I now have a wife who has become ill and has been unable to work since mid January. It is hard trying to keep up with the bills but I am always happiest whenever I am on my computer and I think this is the right direction this time and I am posting this comment for myself cause I am taking this step towards a better future for me and my future family. May God bless you Gyasi and everyone else going through struggles too. Signing up for the skillshare class now.


“Or just got some programming books and ran with it.” 😂😂😂 Another great video man!


I'm studying Information Systems with a focus on software development and watching your videos have really inspired me to become a full stack developer in the future. God Bless!


Love the ending. I've been out of school 2 years with CS degree. Sometimes I lack the motivation to continue learning and apply for SD/SE jobs. Because of quarantine and this whole year being a mess I'm taking 2020 and some of 2021 to prepare myself for a new career.


I'm a SE, got my degree in Cpe Fall 2018. My experience in industry is same as yours. I agree it all depends on what each individual wants to do. Ultimately each person must put the work in and have the necessary skills, knowledge to get into the industry.and continue to grow on the side as they work.


I'm grateful for this video, I recently started studying online. I'm beyond excited for my future now! I already work at the tech company I will likely move into engineering for so this video helped further confirm my path


They're many CS graduate around the world but only few are really good at it.


I’m a new subscriber (literally this week) I just wanted to say I enjoy your videos, they are inspirational and thank you for including your faith in the end


God bless you, this video helped me learn a lot keep grinding bro because one thing is for sure and thats you helping people consider this a sign to keep grinding as I will do the same with coding


I’m going to start associate degree which is two years as a start in computer science
I’m not the type of people who think that he could have a knowledge and experience in a small Boot Camp
All my worries it’s just when I get graduated from associate degree, I am I going to be able to have a job or not
I love your videos, you inspired and encourage me, and I’m going to do the degree for sure
Thank You from my hart as brother


Thanks for the reassurance. I’m getting a math degree with a lot of CS classes under my belt but I think I should be able to get a SE job.


In Most of the companies there is always an hr round who really has no concern with your technical skills . Even after clearing my all rounds of interviews having relavent years of experience in as a software engineer n a well known company, having studies related to computer science only but not so called degree on hands they rejected.


You answer my question, thank uuu so much.😁🤩


Hey Gyasi! I really enjoy watching your videos and I recently became interested in Computer Science. I’m in my second year of college and I feel stuck because I was Premed for a while and then prenursing. I can’t see myself taking another chem class 😭 I started some free online courses to learn HTML5, CSS, JavaScript and I am enjoying it a lot. But I know that computer science isn’t only about programming. I just feel super behind because I’ve done two years in college and haven’t gotten anywhere. I don’t even know what I’m trying to ask lol sorry but I feel stuck. Any advice is welcomed. Thank you! And thanks for the skill share just signed up! 🙏🏼
