Apotheosis Gems Duplication ATM8

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Apotheosis Gem Duplication glitch I found by accident. You can make perfect faceted gems for free, as long as you have one item to swap the output with.

Modpack Version: ATM8 1.0.21

Steps to recreate:

1. Have a gem that's not flawless (If you can't upgrade it at least once, you can't dupe it. If you have another of the same flawless gem, that's okay.)
2. Put it in the Gem Cutting table, along with some gem dust and the appropriate material.
3. Do not left click the output, instead pick up any item in the game, and right click the output. Drag the output into your backpack, and then close the menu using Escape.

The output gem, as well as the previous gems you used to make the output, will be in your backpack. This costs no material, and can work all the way up to the highest quality gem. I keep a bag of pre-flawless above legendary-tier gems in a bag, so I can get the highest quality flawless gems whenever I like.
Рекомендации по теме

Do a base tour! I love seeing how others have played a modpack!


My atm8 doesn't have a gem cutting table. Is this an update and any idea if it would corrupt my world?


my gem cutting table looks so different from urs can u do an updated duplication video im playing on chosens modded adventure and its different
