Love in hard times: from worrying about homes to searching for a lost dog

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The story is about a young engineer and a nomadic widow who unexpectedly fall in love with each other. This love is formed in a situation where the nomadic society is facing many challenges. A young engineer travels to a nomadic region for work reasons to complete a construction project. The project could lead to the destruction of the traditional homes of the nomads, which has greatly worried the widows of the nomads and other tribesmen.

A nomadic widow is a strong and independent woman who, despite the loss of her husband, manages her and her children's lives in the heart of nature and relying on old traditions. He has many concerns for the future of his community and worries that their homes will be destroyed. The young engineer, who at first only thought about his job duties, is gradually influenced by the nomadic life and the concerns of the people. He meets a nomadic widow and this acquaintance gradually turns into a deep love.

After learning more about the life of nomads and having a close relationship with a nomadic widow, the engineer faces new feelings and responsibilities. He realizes that the construction project he is responsible for can completely change the lives of these people and destroy their homes. In the meantime, the engineer manages to deliver promising news to the nomadic widow; There is a possibility that the destruction of houses will be stopped with his efforts and the attention of the authorities.

But at the height of this crisis, a new problem appears: the nomad widow's favorite dog goes missing. For the widow, this dog is a symbol of connection with her late husband and a kind of consolation for him. The young engineer, whose love for the widow is growing day by day, helps her search for the lost dog. This search becomes a test of their love and commitment to each other.

The story progresses slowly and we see the growth and evolution of the relationship between these two people in the face of problems and obstacles. On the one hand, the love between the engineer and the nomadic widow is strengthened, and on the other hand, the engineer's efforts to find a solution to preserve the nomadic houses are borne. This story is a story of love, responsibility, and a bond that grows stronger in the face of adversity. The search for the lost dog is also part of this narrative as a symbol of trying to preserve valuable things against dangers and changes

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Wo ist der Hund? Was ist mit dem Kind im Bauch darüber wird nicht mehr gespochen ich glaube das ist alles eine Lüge.


Estão sem comida....mas compraram brinquedos....


Mi opinión sra bitul.porque deja que. Su hija tenga mal comportamiento ya se es pequeña
Pero es donde hay que educarlos
Todo el tiempo grita queré hacer lo
Que quiere corrija así todas las madre aprende a criar sus hijos
Hágalo Saquele los caprichos los
Gritos no deja hablar eso es enseñar a los que ven su programa Dios los bendiga ❤


Increíble de todas las viudas que estoy viendo en los diferentes canales, esta señora Betul es muy perezosa, cochina con ella misma y ni para qué con la niña Maral, pobre señor ingeniero; bue y éste señor siempre anda la misma camisa, o' es un uniforme?


2 дня прошло, вспомнили, что у них была собака, которая сбежала, может другие люди будут кормить и любить, а не издеваться и голодом морить


Guten Abend! Sie wünschen sich Unterstützung für Ihren Kanal. Deshalb überprüfen Sie doch bitte das Drehbuch. Manche Szenen sind nicht logisch und das schafft beim Zuschauer kein Vertrauen, eher Verärgerung. Frau Betul gibt die Drama Königin und sagt mehrmals sie hat hart für das Haus gearbeitet😂 Diese Ansage passt überhaupt nicht zu dem, was ich täglich im Video sehe. Der ingenieur klebt an Frau Betul wie ein verliebter Teenager. Er redet viel und gern, realisiert aber wenig . Wie auch? Kein Geld, naiv, ohne Helfer wäre das Haus jetzt noch nicht fertig. Maral entwickelt sich zum Problemkind


Unless someone asked you about the dog, you did not even look for it but now you are pretending like you are very much worried about the puppy. Its my request please find the little dog. Mr.Cameraman please pass this message to that people


bravo monsieur l ingeneur toujour genereux meme quand tu na pas d argent mais on na oublier que madame betul doit avortee !


Bonjour la caméraman Bonjour Monsieur L'ingénieur et Madame Betul et gros bisous 🥰😘 Maral... Monsieur L'ingénieur Prends bien soin de toi et de Madame Betul et de sa fille 👍👍👍❤️❤️❤️ merci la Caméraman pour ces vidéos et la chaîne félicitations et bonne continuation 👍👍👍👍❤️❤️❤️❤️😮


Eu amo os animaizinhos agora que virão que o cachorrinho fujiu Deus abençoe que ele encontre uma família que ame e repeite ele olha a menina dando chute no cachorrinho na casa que eles foram procurar o cachorrinho quando ela crescer vai ser bem má p os animais tem que ensinar ela que não pode fzer isso 😢


Señora usted aún está e, embarazada, No habloron más de eso, qué va hacer ahora .


ich glaube sie ganze sache ist gelogen und eine art geschichte läuft hier ab, für mehr zuschauer.


Ευχάριστο νέο αυτό αλλά μάλλον δεν διαβάζεται όλα τα σχόλια. Τι έγινε με το μωρό που έπρεπε να αποβάλει?? Είναι η μόνη που βλέπω από πολλά άλλα βίντεο που είναι τόσο τεμπελα


A falta de cuidado com a criança, é preocupante. Deve ser preguiça mesmo. Não cuida para evitar acidentes, não faz comida, não educa e deixa a menina sujinha.😮😮


На этот велосипеде катаясь по этой площадке можно слететь в них и свернуть шею.


На всех каналах женщины чистоплотные и все делают для уюта своего дома. И только Битул ничего не делает. Поезжай посмотри какие чистые дети у Захры, такой же синий ковер, но ни одной мусоринки на нем нет. Сестра инженера Кобра одна построила дом, а эта дама самая ленивая из всех женщин!!!


Necu vise gledati, Betul je uzasna nekupa se nepresvlaci Maral prljava lenja je prenesite operateru to gospodji i dosadni su za gledanje


Señora otra vez preguntó, ¿Y su embarazo dónde está, No hablan de eso ninguno de los dos, digan sí continúa embarazada, aborto, espero respuesta de usted o alguien que sepa algo, porfavor, gracias desdé España .


Эта Бетул самая ленивая женщина из за всех каналах такая у нее роль быть ленивой вот знаю что съёмка это но она так раздрожает своими поступками


cette petite fille est mal eduquée elle a des mauvaises manières et elle trop capricieuse la faute a sa mère qui ne sait vraiment pas faire j espère qu elle pourra garder sa maison qu elles soyent a l abris avant l hiver
