The Fall of Russell Brand

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In which I explore the world of Russell Brand, asking what is a conspiracy theory? What can history and psychology tell us about them? When are they wrong and when might they be right? Who believes them and why? And what does the MSM, BBC, RFK Jr, Covid, vaccines, Dutch Farmers, the WEF, and the Great Reset have to do with it?

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00:00 - INTRO: Russell Brand
04:33 - ONE: The Great RESET
11:46 - TWO: Farmers, Truckers, and the People
16:21 - THREE: COVID-19, Vax, Pandemics
26:30 - FOUR: History & Conspiracy
31:17 - FIVE: The Psychology of Conspiracy Theories
38:21 - SIX: Fallacies & Cognitive Biases
43:03 - SEVEN: The Mainstream Media Agenda
49:18 - EIGHT: The Recent Allegations & Rumble
01:02:25 - NINE: Narcissistic News Entertainment
01:10:54 - TEN: Public Trust & Private Solutions


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Sources, podcast, and more in the description. Thank you fellow pattern recognition experts!


I think Brand is just extremely angry because someone stole the first three buttons on all his shirts.


Phizer said it investigated claims and found no problems with the results that they reported.... this is the whole problem. There should be an outside 3rd party to investigate this, not the company investigating itself.



no, it's COMPANIES that love monthly payments, saas services, where people dont BUY stuff, but subscribe into a service where they have unlimited access to services, but they dont OWN anything.


"Did Wendy really kill all the smurfs? I don't know, I'm just asking questions!" Eric Cartman 2009


Turned off the video when I heard “ claims main stream media are censuring information, when in fact the opposite is true”


“When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of people in society, over the course of time they create for themselves a legal system that authorises it and a moral code that justifies it” (Frederic Bastiat)


I lasted 23 minutes.. nice try but no cigar.. nothing of value or 'new' perspectives - sorry mate it's a no from here..


Sadly, there is no need for vast global conspiracy theories, as terrible things occur right in front of our faces; for example, the corporate capture of government agencies, such as, environmental agencies. (I just checked my own environmental protection agency members - 2 property developers, 1 corporate environmental lawyer, 1 business professor who advocates the cultural importance of mining, 1 prof who writes papers on oil and gas and mining issues. [10 years ago it was former employees of oil & gas and mining companies - is that progress or progress in hiding the manipulation of an agency that 20 years ago actually tried to protect the environment?]).


The term "conspiracy theory" has no meaning anymore. Even alex jones is now widely respectfully regarded as a simple conspiracy reporter.


My loved one died 2 weeks after the 2nd Pfizer shot. How would you feel?


Thank you so much for making a video about this!

I used to love Russell Brand. His older work on YouTube felt, to me, very anti-capitalist and collectivist. Then, he partnered with Amazon (a corporate monopoly he had critiqued) to release an Audible-only audiobook, and shortly after, his videos became more focused on conspiracies after he tapped into the right-wing audience and got millions of views. My sense of his integrity dissolved. I used to see a highly intelligent man rightly critiquing power structures… now I see a highly intelligent capitalist chasing dollars.


Brand is turning into Trump. They both just say literally ANYTHING if they calculate it benefits them personally. Both are world class psychological


I I didn’t know that Russell Brown had fallen. Is he all right?


He is excellent, especially judging by his detractors. Not everyone has a moral position more a virtual one and that includes yourself, lol.
Is he corporate, like yourself ?
"There's no conspiracy in Government"
Flat on your face ...


To be fair I think it is safe to say that Brand and Lewis are coming from different perspectives when critiquing the "establishment". Brand assumes that power corrupts and the powerful should be critiqued vigorously with the assumption that they will abuse their power to manipulate media, science, institutions etc....and as they become more powerful they will tend toward totalitarian tactics to increase and hold on to their power. A very reasonable perspective with historical precedence to support it. Lewis apparently believes that powerful institutions should be mostly trusted and assumed to be uncorrupted agencies acting in good faith unless proven otherwise. The danger is paranoid individuals concocting wild unsubstantiated claims of corruption and conspiracy will lead to a malfunctioning society without well functioning institutions. Is that fair?

Sort of a top down vs bottom up decline of civilization debate. Historically thinking, there is probably something to be said for both perspectives, however I don't think that the massive rise in conspiracy theories would be taking place in a civilization unless there was a whole lot of corruption rotting our institutions. In my humble opinion, Brand is absolutely right to point out lies and manipulations by the corporate establishment and connect dots using common sense and evidence even if the exact nature of the corruption is not known the fact that there is massive corruption is obvious. Pretending it does not exist or is not as bad as at looks only promotes more corruption and societal decay. Or maybe a totalitarian one world technocratic slave state is the utopia we are all secretly longing for.

As far as I am concerned it looks like the most powerful governments, corporations, and military institutions around the world have been largely taken over by an elite criminal class of ultra wealthy gangsters who indeed want to rule the world with an iron fist. Just saying.... but that is just a rather just my working hypothesis for now.


This is a bizarre promotion of the WEF disguised as a takedown of Brand.
I don’t even like brand and agree with much of this. But to claim the great reset is brands idea is just disingenuous. You know that’s not true.


Calls Brand an unhinged "conspiracy theorists" then pionts out he left out the context of th "trusted news" initiative. That context? Melitious false information "designed to destabalize"? Exactly who is the conspiracy theorist?


When Russell Brand started questioning the war in Ukraine. That’s when they turned on him and dug up women that came forward from 15 years earlier.


Russell was right to be paranoid. As soon as he started saying things that don't follow the controlling party's stance, his career tumbled down.
How can anybody say there's nothing odd about this?
