What Really Happened To Russell Brand

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A few years ago, Helen Lewis worked with Russell Brand on a magazine, when he was a comedy superstar. Now, he's a huge online guru. So, WTF happened? Here's a clip - full episode is out Thursday. He's been spoken about by JoBlo Originals & David Pakman Show re conspiratorial thinking.

#russellbrand #gurus #internetculture
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I like Russell Brand. Would love to have him on here. Talks a lot of sense. But also sometimes puts out stuff that is unfounded. I do the same thing. It's a hard job. You're welcome to defend Russell in the comments. But if you find yourself attacking Helen or me because a 5-min chat about a guy you never met has offended you so much, then it doesn't do much for the argument that he hasn't become a guru or cult leader. What I'm saying is: by all means offer counter arguments, that's what this channel is for. I'm open to it. I just don't think the anger and emotion is conducive to a grown-up conversation. Nothing is black and white.


Spot on. Politically, Brand started on the far left, but he's drifted far to the right. He's lost his old fans, but gained more Anti Vax, Pro Trump/Putin, MAGA wing nuts who've given him the attention he always craved. His socialist ideologies melted in the heat of notoriety. ❄️


Russel is just an opportunist and conspiracy theorist. He’s a conman


Calling Russell Brand a guru is laughable.


Russell Brand is a goon, grifting off goons. The internet is full of them


He generally reads from actual journalistic pieces though.

I think he’s genuine


Why did she just expose Russell Brand's location? Gosh, this woman's the epitome of establishment poison.


Anti -establishment? Dudes a millionaire hipster propped up by billionaires. He’s working for elite interests


Russell Brand may not be everyone's cup of tea, I enjoy his craic. He also has a very serious side, and a wonderful ability to listen to his guests. Through Russell's channel he has introduced me to the incredible Vandana Shiva.


Whitney Webb is someone to talk to about some of these issues. Her work is well researched and her two volume book touches on some things that some regards as conspiracy.


I think this woman does not understand Russel Brand at all.

I have been abused by narcissists and developed a very keen sense to spot any inkling of narcissistic behaviour. (I've also been caught in a cult and developed a very sensitive trigger to cult-like behaviour as well) I think Russel is a genuinely empathic person who wants to make the world a better place and that's what he is trying to do with his channel.

I do find it annoying the click-baity titles, but hey, if that gets the information to more people, that's OK. He is just bringing to light information that is actually coming from other news sources (often mainstream/business outlets).

The way this woman spoke about his work, it just seemed to me she quite uninformed about what he is actually doing and has not watched his videos much...

I don't watch his videos much anymore, but that's because I find them repetitive, once you understand how big corporations (and governments) work and what they are doing in the world, I don't feel the need to keep up to date with all the little details of their latest corruption.

What matters is that we see the bullsh*t of what is going on for what it is and plan our lives accordingly, which I think is what he is encouraging people to do, find our own independent path in the world and be tolerant of different view points. He always encourages dialog and community, I see nothing negative in his message.


First to see this . I listen to Russell Brand online. He definitely has his own opinions but I also respect people who speak about what happens in our world. We don't have to agree with others but you give them the opportunity to say their words. Teaching tolerance and love for others is something that I was shown as a child and will continue to believe in.


Russell brand is an explorer and highlights things that are not talked about in main stream media. A recent example is the Ukraine conflict, which no one seems to question the 100s billions pouring into that region.


Wow! I just clicked on Russell Brand to check on the conspiracy theorist and im shocked over the phizer info.


This woman is the epitome of what is really wrong with modern thinking within society. When an individual puts an opinion out there that is not the "collective" opinion it is immediately labelled CONSPIRATORY. I want to live in a world were I'm entitled to my opinion (whether right or wrong) as are you and do not appreciate others trying to dictate to me what I should think.


A so-called self-appointed or labelled 'online guru' would not just "ask questions of the audience", as Helen Lewis puts it, they would usually have definite opinions or philosophies that they are trying to convince or persuade their audience to believe and *not* question. I don't think Russell Brand is setting himself up to be a guru and I doubt anyone considers him "all-knowing". As many others here have said, he is just presenting information that he has found in material with public access and even in the mainstream media, as well as occasional deeper sources, and encouraging us to question the general narrative put out by the governments and mainstream media. He is encouraging people to think for themselves and not just blindly follow any narrative fed through mainstream means. Quite the opposite of what most people consider a "guru". People follow his channels but I don't think anyone is seriously following him as a "leader".


I listen to Russell Brand as well as you my dear boy.
Russell brings up a lot of world topics I otherwise would not have heard about. Typically I start a deep dive after hearing information from any source. Between you both I have been apprised of knowledge I would have otherwise not received.
Would love to hear a conversation between you two!


Russell is guru-y lately. But he's also not in bad faith. I respect what he does.


I watched a 7 year old interview with Russell on the RHPLST and enjoyed him. Out of curiosity I popped to his YouTube channel which I use to watch when it was trewNews and it was all about the Biden criminal family and the FBI being within the Jan 6th riots. I then looked for ‘what happened to Russell Brand?’ and came here. I wonder if the old Russell is still in there?


I really struggle to understand how people take Russell Brand seriously these days He presents extremely selective facts, and usually after spending several minutes priming his audience to interpret those facts in a specific way. I mostly see him posturing as a progressive going up against institutions of power, but in a way that consistently seems to reinforce conservative narratives, (like hyperfocusing on Claus Schwaub and the Rothschilds)and doesn't offer any meaningful solutions.
