Top 5 Tips to WIN - Kingdom Come Deliverance

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MY GAMERTAG: UE Sanctionite
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I use to be an honourable knight, then I got sick of being broke.


"don't kill everyone you encounter"
tell that to my mace.


Pro tip: kill or knock out the riddler and steal his monk outfit. Guards do not search monks. I found that out and it is amazing!


Literally never had an issue looting corpses


Here’s a tip for beginners in the game that want to get ahead. As soon as you permanently get a horse (after the first battle with Runt and the end of the prologue), return to Skalitz. This may seem counter intuitive, as Skalitz is usually crawling with Cumans and Bandits with high level armour that are near impossible for a low level player to beat, but just hear me out. At Skalitz, Bandits and Cumans are constantly battling with each other. Almost every time you show up to the town, you’ll see enemies battling each other in the middle of the town. Stay back and stay hidden. Watch the enemies battle from afar, and wait for one or more of them to be killed. As soon as they stop battling, the winners of the skirmish will usually loot the weapons of the dead, and then walk away. Wait for them to leave, and then sneak up to the bodies. Loot all of their expensive and high level armour and supplies, and then transport it to your horse (you don’t need to be right next to your horse to do this). Then, pick up and carry as much as you can by yourself, and quickly leave Skalitz. There is a chance that one or more of the hostile NPC’s could come out suddenly and try to shoot an arrow into your back as you’re walking away, so leave as quickly as you can. Get on your horse, and ride like Hell away from there. Get to a major town with a vendor that carries a lot of Groschen (I recommend either Sasau or Rattay), and either sell all of the armour and get a ton of Groschen, or take the armour to a armourer/tailor who can repair them (this may cost a lot, so you’ll need to have at least 1, 000 Groschen or more to repair some of the high level stuff to perfect condition) for you to wear. I did this during my playthrough, and I had to try multiple times (as I kept rushing for the bodies too quickly and I ended up getting swarmed by the Bandits and Cumans), but it was worth it, as I made about 1, 000 Groschen off of selling all of the armour (I didn’t have enough Groschen to repair most of the armour), which really helped me get ahead. Trust me, this advice will most certainly help make your play through easier and more fun.


Crazy how Bohemia managed to develop plate armor and trebuchets but not cleaning rags


So I've been playing this game on some loud speakers but resorted back to headphones after paying for a wench...


Tip 6: Get the One handed Needle sword, or other sword with very good stab damage.
Tip 7: Get a shield
Tip 8: Clench spam enemies.
Tip 9: Spam head stabs.
Tip 10: Profit


You can actually access your horse inventory remotely. You don't need to be near it.


I haven’t experienced any hinderances from looting corpses after a battle.


They've essentially designed it so that you have to remove your armour and dress like a peasant/noble - whatever clothing you have while you're in the cities so that you have better interactions with the NPC's, that has to be one of the most immersive thing's I've ever seen


I find it fubar that most of the people I see you fighting have no armour when everyone and their brother in my game is decked out like a targaryen prince.


kill and loot bandits or Cumen, you have no need to kill anyone else, anyone else that attacks you is fair game too.


Overencumbered, a word that comes so naturally to RPG gamers that never new it before.


1. Any of the three millers can “launder” gear you want to keep.2. No need to summon your horse or be near it to access it’s inventory.3. PC players should download the save without Schnapps mod. Even if you like the limited save gameplay there are enough bugs atm that you should be able to save and reload whenever you need to.4. PC players can type wh_pl_showfirecursor 1 in the console to give you a basic aiming point for your bow.5. You start as a nobody with no skills, everything you do you will suck at. Keep training and eventually you will become very powerful.


quite a few wrong/unnecessary information - for example, you dont need horse around to swap inventory. Also, you dont need multiple sets of clothing, just battle gear and civil gear.


One of the most engaging game's I have ever played. The first few hours are damn frustrating, but then it just opens up. Some of the minigame controls are frustrating, but the combat system is brilliant ( once you have trained a bit & learned the skills from Bernard). Lets hope for some DLC.


Damn game ruin my fun. How do these people know im murdering random people in the bush? and how do these people see my bloody sword when its sheathed?


You can still loot Wayfarers if you knock them out and it won't have any effect on your reputation.

I've done this multiple times and have still got an 80+ reputation everywhere.


I can still read some books in the game even tho my Henry can’t cuz I can tell what words they use, they just mix up the letters lol pretty cool system I think it’s fun trying to decipher
