15 Things To Know By The Time You’re 30

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15 Things To Know By The Time You’re 30 | Sunday Motivational Video

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17. Your best years are not behind. Don't believe those who say that their high school/college years were the best. If you live the life you want, your happiness will grow exponentially!


1. Life is not about you
2. Things will never satisfy the soul
3. Debt is dangerous if you don’t know what you’re doing
4. Read more
5. How to travel more
6. How to be healthy
7. What your passions and values are
8. Your only competition or benchmark is yourself
9. How to save money
10. What’s worth sacrificing and what’s not
11. How to stand up for yourself
12. Who your real friends are
13. You’re not going to make everyone happy. And not everyone will like you
14. Ask for what you want. Don’t expect it to happen on its own
15. When you’re tired, learn to rest. Not to quit.


Turning 30 in 5 months. One thing I’ve learned is you can be resilient af as long as you want to be.


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I turned 30 two months ago and I totally agree with this list. To add:
- We were so distracted when we were in our 20s that we didn't even know it. We bought things that we're only temporarily good and we would buy them again. Talking about my closet that had the same type of styles without me knowing it.
- people will change, it's also just a human nature. In fact, if someone is not changing, that's a concern.
- love or being in a relationship shouldn't be the main goal where if you're not with someone, that doesn't mean you're not enough. You are enough on your own and focus on your career. The best person will come along when you are also being in your best version. Take it easy, don't rush ;-)


33 here and I literally have 1 friend...buttt I’m also buying my 2nd house...so any youngsters out there, take heed to this videos advice and always keep leveling up


Just turned 30 last month. I quit Facebook 2 years ago, started fishing and camping more, going to visit Mexico in 3 weeks. I couldn’t agree more with this video! It’s so spot on I think about these topics every day! I’m going to and need to level up my life!


21 here and I can tell you we may already "know" some of these things but to actually apply them in day to day life is a whole nother story.


I just turned 36, and I can say I pretty much know all those, though I have to admit I'm not applying all of them, so there's still some work for me to do.
Here's for a new level up!


I’m watching at 20, I thank my mum for teaching me all of these when I was a kid..it makes me feel awesome to know and practise almost all of these, the only thing I have an issue with is standing up for myself. Every time I try to stand up for myself either get too angry and over react or shut down and get lost in confusion...something definitely have to work on


I’m 24 years old. I feel like I’ve really screwed up so far. I really hope I can catch up and be successful and content.


Level Up
I’m 13. If I double my age I will still be under 30.
If I apply these to my daily life, It would really help when I’m 30


The most important is that we are still alive at 30's so be thankful whatever you have. There are some people died at younger age we are fortunate that we reach 30 years of age whether youre single or in a relationship.


in sha Allah by the time im 30, i will have my own car and a house. in this 20s times, there is alot for me to do


Don’t worry about the things you can’t control.


Seeing some young aluxers saying they are not 30 yet. Put in the work NOW because you will be 30 one day. Level up!!!


I’m 29 ... 30 in 3 months. This video was a reminder for me. Level up, level up ! Thank you Alux ! 🤗


watching at age 23, brilliant video💎the best of luck to all! thank you for this video. happy new year!


I’ve just turned 30 I’ve been on this planet since 02/28/1989 and I’m watching this for the first time lol great information


My Sundays are enriched by Alux. Some thing you need to know before 30:
- nobody wants to know about you. So stop talking about yourself.
- not always something happens like why think will happen
- haters gonna hate (Shake it off by Taylor Swift)
- Talk is cheap.
- good things come to those who hustle
