10 HARDEST Platinum Trophies That Take Countless Hours

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Everybody loves chasing trophies, but only a select few games have near unobtainable Platinums. Here are some of our favorite challenging examples.
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Any game that has an online requirement to get the platinum is an automatic no for platinuming for me


I appreciate that games like Ghost of Tsushim, Horizon ZD/FW and God of War 4 have enjoyable platinum trophies. The best platinum trophies are the ones that don’t require bull shit and instead require you to just explore the world and complete most of the side quest and stuff. The games that have missable trophies or trophies that require an absurd level of skill or luck are frustrating.


It took me 6 years to get the platinum in Star ocean: The last hope. The rarest trophy I have to this day and probably no other will ever surpass it.


I've platinumed The Witcher 3 standard edition, The Witcher 3 GOTY edition, then did both again on XBOX. Will do the same for the next gen version. I have zero regrets.


Okay, who gave Falcon a bunch of energy drinks? This feels like the fastest he's ever spoken in any of his videos.


Took me 11 years to platinum GT5. Finished the licence/spec trophies and time trials during lockdown last year.


The dedication of the people who get these is insane


I remember the days of trying to get the Platinum for Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 on PS3. Everyone on the Gamefaqs board banded together for 4+ months to figure out the online Team Missions. All of us were online for hours each day, discussing and creating new techniques (the "Rachel Twirl", which made Rachel invincible as long you did nonstop dodges in a specific pattern and allowed that player to be a decoy, in particular was a giant breakthrough), scouring the internet for videos of people from other regions of the world testing stuff as well, training together and more.

That was a wild time. I even ended up making the Team Missions FAQ on that board and a bunch of videos detailing glitches and loops after our group pulled it off at last, just to help other people who would come after us beat these insane missions.

And this video doesn't even come close to describing the insanity of those later missions: multiple bosses at once that need lightning fast reflexes, the lag that came with playing online making things even worse, glitches and wonky boss A.I. (I've seen Elizabeth once do like 4-6 animation cancels to hit me with a faster than should be possible for her grab attack, because the A.I. wanted to use all her moves at once on me >.<), the list goes on and on.


As a platinum trophy I can confirm this


Probably a pretty popular take: when a game has its online servers shut down, the platinum should be changed to only needing the offline/single player achievements since its now impossible to do the online ones


Thank you guys for keeping us all entertained for years, and years to come, looking forward to ever video, keep it up


I got the Platinum trophy for Sifu. Not nearly as difficult as any of these games, but still no small feat.


This is the earliest I've ever been, hi falcon and thanks heaps for all the vidz gameranx


Deep Rock Galactic's trophies aren't too hard to earn, but it takes hundreds of hours to get a platinum. You have to get a gold promotion for every character. Promoting one character one time takes roughly 10-15 hours of gameplay. And you have to do that 7 times per character to get to gold. So that's 280 hours minimum to do just that trophy


The timing of this is funny to me lol. I recently got the Max Payne 3 platinum trophy and it was a damn hassle for sure to complete!


My most proud Platinum is Demons Souls, the original. That game was an absolute brutal time sink. It took me a year and a half to get.


I have 13 bloodborne plats 😅
My love for that game went waaay overbord! I start making new psn accounts and speedruning the plat. My best time was 14hours, with grinding.. i even played in 3accnts at "same time". (Not simultaniasly). I was kid.. i thought someone would send me praise 😝😝😝😝


Even tho the Plat for Hollow Knight now has been obtained by about 1, 3% of the players, it was an absolute nightmare to get the "Embrace the void" trophy as my last one needed for the plat... fighting every single boss in the game (like 42 or smth) without dying once, had me just mentally destroyed at times


I got the Tetris Effect Platinum.. Worked HARD for that one, had to learn new techniques and t-spin.... It was a bitch for the SS seriously? trophy.
I used a turbo controller for the 1 million tetrimino spins because I still had about 600, 000 spins left by the time I got the rest.. Took a turbo controller several hours of constant spinning in zone mode..


It really sucks when the platinum trophy is rendered permanently unobtainable because of services getting shutdown.
