The Most Painful Platinum Trophy Ever

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Trials Rising's Platinum Was So Painful! The Grind Was Worth It Though...

Trials Rising Trophies are very difficult in different ways. It's not just one trophy that's hard... it's multiple. The university of trials trophies, and the skills games like loose screw and hill climb are all hard. The RACE league tracks including Inferno V are all so difficult too as you see in the video. I hope you enjoyed it and hopefully feel inspired to try this game out for yourself! Subscribe if you did enjoy so you do not miss out on future videos!

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The Trials Rising Platinum Took A LOT Out Of Me...


Having played and platinumed this game when it first came out I loved watching this! I felt your pain brother!! 😁


Man i wish i got to watch this live. so glad you found the Uni of Trials levels helpful so i enjoyed watching that part of this video in particular! Sorry about the frustration but the levels were all about actually learning skills, not just about repetition. GG on the Platinum. Love the video man!


I’ve played my fair share of Trials games but never got all the achievements in one yet. This lowkey inspired me to re-download them haha. Great vid Sha!


Nice that a bigger youtuber tries this game, very happy about any attention on trials 💪


Congrats on the plat! Having played this game consistently through its ups and downs, i really appreciate it when youtubers give it coverage, Hope you enjoyed grinding the achievements as much as i enjoyed watching this video :)


The Trials games are some of my all time favorites. Got platinum on all tracks in Trails HD, Trails Evolution, and Trials Rising and still feel like it was time well spent haha. It’s so simple and timeless. I love watching people get hooked on the mechanics!


As somewhat of an old fan of trials, 600+ hours on trials fusion. It’s so cool to see people play through and struggle with this game. The learning curve is the toughest but best part about this game, and the ninja levels are something else


Caught a few of these streams, massive congrats on sticking with this one! That's a platinum truly deserving of being put up in a trophy case!


Great job man! It's nice to see new riders sticking to it. You'd be surprised at the upper levels of control you can reach in the this series with enough practice and just like riding a bike, you never lose it. I've been playing this series off and on since 2009 and I'm still awestruck at what the top players can do. I can fully comprehend how-they-do-what-they-do but just can't replicate their level of precision and flow, but imitating replays is a great way to get better.

Now that you've had some practice I'd suggest trying HD, EVO and Fusion. Many of us long time riders think the bikes handled better in those although opinions very on which. Blood Dragon is an odd tangent for the series but fun too. The original flash game can be played on your browser and Trials 2 is also available on PC, but the controls were clunky. Trials Frontier (mobile) is ok but without a controller it's kind of meh. You've earned a like/sub from me either way.

The genius of the Trials series is the extremely robust track editor. It's longevity, have your players create your game's content for free. Redlynx was one of the first to ever allow you to use the same tools the Devs used. With the editor tiles you can create entire games inside of trials, from FPS parkour to Resident Evil, from Limbo to flying sims or any track you could possibly dream up. I've barely played the base-game tracks of Rising more than twice because I spend that time playing user creations instead.

I've recently come back after a year long break to create a "Save" series (in Rising) for new players for situations just like 3:50. To save that you would let off lean, then slam forward, and 'flap' (spamming brake/gas alternating) or lean back and low throttle back flip to the ramp below. I have the same name for trials so feel free to search my name for the save series if you want, 4th one should be out today. Cheers!


That’s awesome man! I’m happy for you. I have a lot of hours in Fusion and I played an unhealthy amount of Trials Frontier (the mobile game) and was at one point in the top 20 players in the world. Never was into trophy hunting until recently, so I never attempted the Platinum on any of these games. I have a lot of love for the Trials franchise and I hope Redlynx continues with the series.


I spent years playing trials evo, fusion and rising, you really gotta put the time in to become great at this game, so much more depth to it than people realise.


as a Trials HD vet, i'm always happy to see people who are new to the trials games having fun (and hating) learning the games


Beautiful, seeing you stream this game and not giving up is truly awesome!
Awesome content, this channel deserves a lot of subs!
Keep it up and dont give up!


Big Congrats Again Mate!!! Loved being apart of the streams & being there when you finally got that juicy plat 😝😝 all the heartbreak moments paid off big time lol hell I even started playing this game because of watching you do it live so thanks for signing me up to the torture haha 😂 but in all seriousness solid work doing what you did mate! You bloody legend! 💪😎👌🔥❤️


Dude, I can’t believe anyone can platinum this game. I could barely beat the Medium level tracks and only a few hard.


Well done mate! I respect your determination to do this. Big inspiration for me 👍


Congrats again my man!
Well deserved platinum! In the end I thought that you'll include the accidental level restart you did on the ninja track where you had to redo the whole level by mistake.
Nonetheless the video did not disappoint and was worth the wait.
This series were a lot of fun and can't wait to see what's next! :)
Any idea on what that will be?


That was awesome! Congrats! With determination anything is possible 😎 I lol’d at the two controllers just seeing that made my hands hurt.


What a great video! Was a pleasure to watch through. As a level designer for this game, my sincerest apologies for creating the Loose Screw track - now looking at it, it could have been made much easier :D
