The Hardest Platinum Trophy in Playstation History

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This video takes a closer look at a game with a trophy list that is widely considered to be the hardest of all time.

It's also the first video I've made on this channel. Naturally, I'm still trying to figure things out, so any feedback is very welcome. See you guys in the next video.
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I just had this video pop up on my Youtube recommended. I thought it was very informative and very well put together! I got the platinum trophy back in June, I was the most recent person to get it (I'm the guy who did the entire game with a PS4 controller) and ever since i've been trying to encourage others to not be intimidated by the difficulty and to give it a try, because it's an incredible game and it really deserves more attention. Thanks for shedding light on what actually makes it so difficult. You earned a sub from me :)


Honestly having the trophy difficult be 10/10 undersells just how ball busting this is.
This platinum makes other 10/10s look like a joke in comparison


Watching Coda move around genuinely made my heart rate increase


This game actually almost gave me a heart attack cause of the heart beat sync. Was exhausted from a long hot day at work and trying to keep up the beat I could feel my heart beating erratically and I needed to stop for the day. Fun time.


As a person who has gotten the lowest of the low achievement (mastering everything took 2 years)
I can say that I will probably be still playing this game just so that I don't forget the torture I went through


as a person who has played this game for a while, I can agree with everything said on this video. Though, despite hilariously unforgiving and having an absolutely ludicrous difficulty, this is also one of the most creative and fun games I have ever played. Please give it a shot if you ever so slightly consider it, and the Amplified DLC adds a good bunch of interesting things too


Hi, YT just happened to recommend me this video today. I'd like to share a small piece of personal lore:

Back in 2017 and 2018 I was studying abroad in the Netherlands and it was the time I managed to complete my Lowest of the Low run on Steam, after >3 months of persistence. By that same time Floriss (whose footage appears in this video and someone I was in touch with) was also grinding the run and managed to pull it off in a matter of days of difference. While chatting and sharing the hype he mentioned that he was Dutch, so I suggested to meet up and have a celebration beer. Which was something that happened the week after and I still keep it as a very special moment of my time abroad. Not many people will share a moment this specific with you and fully understand you. He was an extremely nice person and still one of the best toasts in my life :)


I found this to be a very informative and well put together video for what is undoubtedly the hardest platinum on PSN. I’m looking forward to seeing what videos you come out with in the future.


I see this channel going big places. Already 2 videos that nobody touches on, very detailed and well edited. Good luck, glad I’m here EARLY.


Excellent video, there was a thread on r/trophies a couple weeks ago asking what the all time hardest platinum was, Diablo 2 Resurrected, Fortnite, ESO, Super Meat Boy, DMC5, and Wolfenstein 2 came up pretty often. But Crypt was the one brought up the most, and for good reason. It’s a plat I would never dream of going for and I know basically every other trophy hunter would agree.


I have about 2500 hours in this game. Love it to bits. I never got the platinum (or all achievements on steam on PC, which has the same achievements as PS trophies) because of the last two trophies and I didn't have the patience to grind for it... I still love playing the game and competing for leaderboards in speed and score categories.

Recently a serious attempt at All Steam Achievements speedrun was done by a player called Tufwfo. At the time of getting it, he also had about 2500 hours in the game. He got all the achievements in 12 hours, this was including the Amplified DLC which adds a few more achievements and an extra zone (There is also the 13-characters All Characters Run, as opposed to the pre-DLC 9-characters. However, no 13-char low% thankfully. The 9-char is hard enough). Spent the last 2 hours hunting for the three green bats using a character that can see all enemies on the map and resetting over and over (with regular gameplay, you find about 1 green bat roughly every 100 hours).

Overall it's a really cool run to watch.

A few players have pushed this even further. There are a handful of players who also completed Coda low%. This game's skill ceiling seems to be endless and frequently I see insane feats achieved by some players. The speedrun and score leaderboards constantly getting improved, even after all these years. And constant new and crazy ways and challenges being shown to be possible


I’ve simply beaten the Golden Lute with Aria in a single zone mode and I consider that to be my greatest gaming achievement of all time.


Those few people have inspired me to go after it myself. This will truly be a test of my mettle as a gamer, and will most likely break me. I won't stop until I have 100% on steam. Excited to play this game.


Coming from someone who has Impossible Boy (the hardest Meat Boy iron man) Necrodancer is in a league of its own. Nothing even comes close. If SMB is a 10/10 in terms of difficulty than Necrodancer is a 20/10. Amazing breakdown video dude.


I speedran Melody for a bit, got just under 8 mins. She's such a fun character, I would just melt away and my fingers moved themselves... I'll get obsessed with the game again one day, I'm kind of busy having other hobbies which don't take 100s of hours...
(Great video!!!)


Truly a masochistic and insane challenge. Your ears and brain really need to be put to the test for this platinum trophy.


I just watched the cod video it brought up some great memories. Stay on this man, I want to see your channel grow!


As someone who obtained the Platinum recently, I can say with ease that this video does a great job getting the point across. It's a huge challenge that demands a lot from the player. It may all seem overwhelming at first, but the satisfaction you get while playing and mastering the complex mechanics is worth it. I've had so much fun with the game and I don't regret starting it whatsoever.

Coming back to this video now almost feels nostalgic and makes me feel even better about my achievement. I encourage everyone who watched this well put video to give the game a go.


This is insanity. Imagine being the first to get the platinum. Great video.


As of December 2023, only 21 people have it
