RAF Interview Questions and Answers

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This video covers RAF Airman and Officer filter/OASC interview questions and sample answers to help you pass your Royal Air Force selection process.
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My goal is to make it as a pilot in the raf and this video was really helpful as to what the interview looks like. Thank you!


Dude thank you so much. I've been stressing about applying for the RAF and about the interview. I go to college next year to get the 60 ucas points I need to be a pilot but because of covid it's hindered my study time. This video just took a big weight of my shoulders. Thanks man!


Very good video Richard these help out a lot for those who are looking into getting a career in the Royal Air Force
And for those who are looking for something unique can you find out about the medical preclude list please
Merry Christmas Richard


Some very good suggestions there. One other thing I may add in the pre interview checklist - read the invitation and bring ALL requested documentation with you and double check you have everything that is on the checklist!


Got my interview tomorrow lol I'm nervous but ready


Some quick pointers for the interview:

The more you know the more they'll ask. Whatever your level of knowledge is, they'll keep probing until they get to the end of it. So when asked about aircraft and you say Typhoon, they'll ask what its main role is. If you know that they'll ask what bases it operates out of. If you know that they'll ask what squadrons operate it. If you know that they'll ask what weapons it has. If you know that they'll ask what engine it has. If you know that they'll ask more specific specs. And so on, they'll just keep going until you say, "I don't know."

If you've only wanted to join the RAF in the past couple of months because you saw the advert on TV, just say that. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that answer - that's why they run TV ads, to get people to sign up! If you say you've always wanted to join the RAF since you were a little boy/girl, I can almost guarantee they will respond by asking if you did air cadets. If you didn't do air cadets, their bull shit alarms are gonna start going off.

Finally, they DO NOT have a sense of humour. Don't crack jokes to try and build a rapport, it won't work. A friend of mine used an example of him taking responsibility of the cooking during an outward bound week. He said "I decided to take on the role of chef as I didn't fancy eating salmonella for a week!" They just looked at him completely blankly where he was expecting a chuckle or a smile.


Thank you so much for making this Video. It has really helped and I have spent a lot of time writing down all the questions and answers etc :)


Thank you so much for this video, I have my filter interview in a months time however this is via phone all due to COVID, I’m positive about my mindset and technical skills but I’m a bit concerned about my fitness, do you have any advice for anyone with regards to the fitness tests?


I have my interview coming up soon on the 28th this month and I was wondering if you are aloud to have notes during your interview? Also a very helpful video, thank you.


RAF Gibraltar
RAF Acrotiri
RAF Brunei
RAF Lossiemouth
RAF Scampton


Hi, i’m looking to join the UAS and apply for a DSUS to then join the RAF immediately after university. Do you think it would be appropriate to reference responding well to and enjoying the discipline/behaviour expectations from having gone to boarding school if it becomes relevant to expected/past behaviour/environment and such? Or would it be inappropriate?


Hi I just got to the AST stage to become photographer. I am currently researching career options as I finishing my undergraduate degree in photography and feel this is opportunity as I have lots of volunteery experience as international photographer. I presume that as a photographer my tranning will be different and with my degree to some extent very qualified


Hey just need some advice, I passed my interview today but a bit worried for the medical as I didn’t declare to the RAF that in the past I applied for the navy and was medically unfit. I’m all good now, however just worried if Capita kept my history and would get discharged for not telling the raf. Thank you


Sorry what do you mean with studying for the RAF selection process examinations? I've done the airman test and got gunner i didn't know there's another one? Sorry bit lost interview is Friday 😬


My choice was either to do 2-years National Service or sign on for an extended period, I signed on for 5 years. I would go back to arriving at my first medical posting to RAF Hospital Wegberg, Germany, 24 December 1956, in a heartbeat. Operating Theatre Staff. You have a. Few typos in your various card details, easily done, I will let you find them. Regards, ex RAF, my one and only choice.


Starting BRTC in 2 days and been watching everything raf related lol


You mixed up RAF Northolt with Uxbridge


I've got my aptitude test next month and because of Covid my interview I believe will be done over the phone. Should I still prepare for it in the same way? Also upon looking online at the selection process interview it says its covers the same 5 areas that what you put when you applied.
Family, education, work, hobbies and pastimes, and why you want to join the RAF.
Should I have notes written down about the trade I want to do and some back ground into the RAF and their roles etc?
I don't remember having to be this prepared when I first joined back in 1998, but guess thing's have changed alot in the process of joining


Do the RAF cancel your application if you fail to meet the bmi target? Is there any flexibility?


If they ask you what is your favourite colour, you must answer blue
