9 Clear Signs She Doesn't Like You Back

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Love is blind, so it's not always easy to figure out whether your girlfriend's feelings are true or if she's just playing with your heart. But if you wanna have a healthy relationship, you better find a woman that will love you for who you are. Thankfully, there are a couple of red flags that clearly show that your lady is not as sincere as you think.

#relationshipgoal #love #girlfriend

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She cares way too much about your income 0:26

She has a lot of demands 1:25

You have your own needs? She doesn' care 2:25

She doesn't spend that much time with you 3:10

She tries to keep you away from your family 4:00

She introduces you as a "friend" 4:54

You don't have serious conversations 6:00

She only talks about herself 6:54

You sometimes feel like you don't know her 7:35

- If your girlfriend is interested only in the financial side of your job, this is a strong sign that she's just using you!
- If she's into you, she'll appreciate your thought and effort. But if she's only into your money, she'll certainly show her true colors.
- While you're out there trying to meet all her demands, she doesn't really care about your needs and wishes. You have one more reason to believe that you're dealing with a typical user here!
- Time is one of the most valuable things we have, so if she doesn't wanna spend it with you, you're most probably not that important to her.
- Our family can be bad for us in some cases. But if you have the greatest family ties and your girlfriend still tries to keep you away from your loved ones, maybe it's time to take another look at your relationship.
- Sometimes your love life can get pretty complicated, especially if there's someone else involved. However, if you 2 are free like the wind and she still refuses to call you her boyfriend, often introducing you as a friend, there's definitely something fishy going on.
- If she shuts down despite all your attempts to have a deep and meaningful conversation, chances are she's not in this relationship for you.
- If your girlfriend's thoughts are rarely even there and she mostly looks at her phone, she isn't too excited about you or your relationship.
- Users may put on a nice and friendly persona, but deep down they hate the position they're in and want to express what's on their mind.

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Hey guys, how long did your most serious relationship last for?


That moment you realize you havent been in a relationship your whole life and you are watching a relationship video


Rule #1: She's not your girlfriend -- it's just your turn.
Rule #2: She's not your girlfriend -- it's just your turn.

Men and women both love but not in the same way. Most men love the person. Most women love what a particular man can do for her. Men love idealistically. Women love opportunistically.


Two minutes into the video and im already questioning my whole life


1. She care way too much about your income
2. She has a lot of demands
3. She ignores your needs
4. She doesn't spend that much time with you
5. She tries to keep you away from your family
6. She doesn't call her boyfriend
7. You don't have serious conversation
8. She always on her phone when your together
9. You sometimes feel like you don't know it's other

Thanks me Later 👍 😊


Am done with my girlfriend....
Thank you for open my eyes..
She is going to explain to me today..☹☹☹☹


#1: *Wake up, you don't have a girlfriend*


Relationship is teamwork, don’t ever do things your partner wouldn’t do for you..


Love isn't blind, in fact, love is the clearest thing in the world. The problem is people confuse love with romance and ego satisfaction.
Also, don't use the word "friend" carelessly or because a person is in your life. Ask instead if they have the qualities of being a respectful and true friend such as; empathy, honesty, patience, kindness and the ability to listen unselfishly.


My girlfriend is good.
She simply said that "I am not your girlfriend"


1: I woke up
2: It was a dream
3: Went to school
4: Saw my crush
5: We kissed
Now read it 3, 4, 5, 1 and 2


ME: Whats the Wifi password?
BARTENDER: You need to buy a drink first.
Me: I'll have a coke.
BARTENDER: Is Pepsi ok?
ME: Sure...how much is that?
ME: There you go, now what's the Wifi password?
Barman: You need to buy a drink first. No spaces and all lowercase.


Good video. So much of it is spot-on... Many of us see these red flags, but we convince ourselves to ignore them, or dismiss them, or that we are being too judgemental and paranoid. We aren't. If someone isn't giving you what you think you need, and you've tried to talk to them and still aren't getting results, then you don't have to settle for less than you deserve to be treated. Move on.


Since I don't have a gf. I don't have to worry about these signs.


The fact that guys need this video says a lot about the state of our society & relationships.


stay single and u don't have to worry about all these signs haha


Used to know a b#%$ like this, once i caught her with with another guy i kicked her out and left her on the street, 9pm with her bags waiting for a uber.



After hanging out with another guy until 2am and then doesn't sleep in the same room as you when she gets home. But the next morning asks you for shopping money. Then goes to hang out with the same guy as the night before. She's using you and he's using her. : ^ )


They always uses
Never got true love from anyone.
(Except my family)


I hate users .. 😣
I really had tough experiences and had my Heart broken so many times .. 😢💔
I feel miserable just thinking about it
