Why Poland is Preparing for Full Scale War Against Russia

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There's a new military superpower dawning on the European continent, and no it's not France, Germany, or even Britain. Poland has decided it's done messing around, and is arming itself to the teeth- but why is Poland apparently preparing itself for World War III. Check out today's epic new video to find out!


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I was in Kyiv on February 24th when Russia invaded and I crossed by foot into Poland on February 27th. The border guards and people of Poland were really friendly and I can’t say enough good things about their generosity towards myself and the Ukrainian refugees during that time. While in Krakow, I noticed lineups and young men and women at what appeared to be shops selling military and hunting style gear. Sometimes the lineups were down the street. In all my previous trips to Krakow, I had never witnessed this before and it was clearly due to the activity in Ukraine. Regardless, I want to visit Poland again in 2024 as I’m now a great admirer of this country.


As a Dutchman I want to note that the Polish get way too less appreciation or acknowledgement for their contribution in liberating Europe in WW2.


As a German I have greatest respect for Poland... they are determined, hard working, versatile and very adapting. They were baptized by fire more than any other European country, never afraid to fight and never refuse to stand with their allies and Polish people are forgiving too...
One a student exchange one grandma at McD (I know its weird but true) saw our group and offered seats at her table saying "nicht besetzt" (not occupied), we naively asked her how she knew german and she nicely said "when your grandfathers came here last time"... best Danzig memory ever


From the US to Poland: Respect!! We are happy you support our South Korean family and will fight NEXT to you if needed (Ihope it doesn't come to that). Thank you for all you've done for Ukraine and enabling us to help them through your generosity and empathy.


Nothing but respect for Poland from your Romanian neighbours. Poland has been evolving incredibly fast in the last 5-6 years, absolutely unbelievable. I visited it twice, amazing country and amazing people.


Poland is like the kid at school that got bullied too much and became an MMA fighter.


As an Australian, I have to say Poland is very impressive.


Poland: *warns Europe about Russia for 30 years already*
Europe: *ignores*
Russia: *attacks Ukraine, acting exactly as Poland warned*
Poland: They called me a madman...


After what Poland has endured over last few centuries and especially the 20th century I’m surprised they didn’t do this sooner.


Poland has learned a hard lesson in that you can't rely on others to protect its borders. Too many times that failed.


As a Bulgarian Canadian, I have always been impressed with Poland and its people! Poland will always be a free country!


Glory & love to Poland 🇵🇱 from Canada 🇨🇦 ❤💪


Support to Poland from Finland. One of our greatest allies in defending Europe from the orcs.


Spanish living in Poland, this country is great and ready for greater things.


Having trained with the polish military, they are crazy warriors and they throw excellent raves 👌


Mad respect to Poland!

As an American, it’s a little unsettling to watch European nations re-arming… but this feels different. For all the disagreements between EU nations, almost all seem to agree on what really matters: peace and democracy. It’s especially heartening to see Poland standing tall and demonstrating leadership both through strength and compassion for their neighbor. And in the longer term, it seems wise that Poland is strengthening military ties between Europe and South Korea. It’s just really impressive all around.


I am Korean we hope no war in the world. Support Poland:)


As a Latvian - I'm really happy that Poland is arming itself. We, as a small country, feel like west europe is not really ready to step up if russia starts eyeing our lands. We have to rely on Nato and strong Poland is a really great thing for eastern Europe.


As my better half is an American Ukrainian citizen from his parents side of the family who escaped Ukraine during WW2, he has the up most respect for Poland and the people of Poland. Peace and love to you Poland from the 🇺🇸


I think that Poland is really understimated by the rest of the world. Our history itself shows how strong we are and how united we can be. We have a lot of internal issues, Poles are very divided. When Russia attacked Ukraine, it was a matter of hours for us to unite and everyone wanted to help the refugees The border was opened, every Ukrainian (even without any documents) was instantly welcomed here. Polish people gathered all basic commodities (clothes, food, cellphones) in literally a matter of hours. Polish people (even though most of us are not rich) accepted Ukrainians to their homes and basically cared for them, allowing them to feel like at home in hard times. Why we did that? Because... we remember our history. We've been gone for 123 years, we've been betrayed multiple times. Our history is dark and unpleasant. We've had way too many wars. We don't want any of that to happen again. We know how it's like, unlike any other country in Europe. We are arming ourselves to not have to be reliant on other countries, just in case.
The rest of the world should understand that we are not the same country as we were 10 years ago. We've developed and moved on so fast (despite all the internal issues), that the rest of the world cannot keep up with the pace we now have.
