Why Ukraine Needs Poland's Help to Take Down Russia

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If Ukraine has any real shot of taking Russia down they are going to need some major help from their European neighbors! Check out today's epic new video that reveals Poland's crucial role in the war between Russia and Ukraine and how this sleeper country could spell disaster for Putin!


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As a Pole I must say that it's unfair to put UK in the same row as Germany or France. UK was providing much more support from the beginning.


As a Ukrainian, I would like to thank the people of Poland for their continuous support during these dark times. Words cannot describe how much they have helped us and are willing to help going forward. I visited Gdansk in 2020 and it is a marvelous city. The people are very positive and kind. My sister fled to Wroclaw with her 3 year old daughter after the war started. They were taken care of, everyone was willing to help them. She moved back to Ukraine during summer 2022 when the situation changed for the better. We are happy to have Poland as a neighbour country. Everything you guys do for us will not go unnoticed. We appreciate the people of Poland and praise their bravery, as so much has been done by them and their president to help us fight off the invaders.

Za wolność naszą i waszą! 🇵🇱🇺🇦


Poland jas alwaus been a valuable ally.. They stuck by their principles and helped when help was needed. Im norwegian, and when germany invaded norway, a small nation with a very small army, the germans were held back for months in narvik by norwegian and polish soldiers. Also helping was the british and the french foreign legion. They faced overwhelming odds, and it would not been possible whithout the polish.. Now they are proving their fortitude again.. Much respect from norway.. ❤


As a Pole I am happy our support is being recoginzed. Please remember also the suport of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia and Czech Republic who in many cases even provided higher per capita aid than my country.


Originally my family, from dads side, comes from Poland, it was long time ago that our relatives emigrated to Latvia, but I have never been more proud of being citizen of Latvia and having Poland roots than now! I am very pleased how much Baltic countries and Poland are trying to help Ukraine, we know what is at stakes! Slava Ukraine!


It's like Poland knows a thing or two about having its existence threatened.


Poland is an amazing country! They’ve withstood soo many wars and yet they still stand! As an American I’m honored to be on the same side as Poland!


As an American, I absolutely love Poland and its people. Y'all are great.


As a Lithuanian after seeing how Poland responded to the war, I am feeling grateful to have such neighbours! Lithuania helped in many ways too, it is one of the countries that took the most Ukrainians in comparison to our countries size and population. It's great to see that us and Poles have the same willingness to help.


Another Ukrainian here. This video almost made me cry several times. Thank you doesn't feel like enough, you guys (Poland) are AWESOME!


Thank You Poland for your leadership and aid for the Ukrainian people. You are an example for all other countries to follow. God Bless Poland!


As a Georgian, thanks to Poland for helping our Ukrainian brothers, also thanks to Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, USA, UK, etc..I wish my country provided more than it does...as a Georgian I'm happy to see everyone helping out Ukraine and I hope that war ends soon and Ukraine gets all of their lands back❤❤❤


Makes sense. Poland has historically been trapped by one of two oppressive regimes on either their east or west, ceasing to exist for about 100 years. They know exactly whats at stake.


Absolutely love Poland, as a Brit I have lived in Poland and speak Polish. Credit where credit is due for their morals and reactions to Ukraine. I also have close ties to Ukraine and some friends I have now lost due to Russia’s invasion.
I understand the point this video is making, I do not however appreciate Britain in this video being grouped with the rest of Europe dragging their feet on Ukraine. Britain was also one of the first to send aid to Ukraine unlike France and Germany that put the EU to shame.
Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦


I was in Gdansk last spring. I was impressed at how clean and orderly it was: No litter, no graffiti, no beggars. I also noticed all the beautiful young women around, many pushing baby strollers or leading small children by the hand. I jokingly remarked to our tour guide that it looked like Poland was having a "baby boom" and how pretty the women were. He looked at me solemnly and said, "No, the Polish women are all at work. These women and children are all Ukrainian refugees. They live in our homes. It is our duty and privilege to welcome them in their time of need." Wow! That says everything you need to know about the Poles. I think that they are truly the most "Christian" people in the world.

Chwała Polsce! Slava Ukraini!


So glad someone finally made a video about this. Poland has been simply incredible. So proud of you Poland I hope other countries start following your lead. Slava Ukraine!


Although Poland is crucial ally of Ukraine, there should be mentioned that Slovakia & Lithuania are also doing their part. In general, Eastern Europe is very supportive & help with what they can, Hungary being the only country that sits back and do nothing but complain.


Ukrainian here and I cannot express in words how thankful we are to Poland and Polish people. Relationship between Poland and Ukraine remind me of such with my brother - we used to fight, we still may have a few issues to work out, but in general terms we are prepared to go above and beyond for each other. When the time comes we won't forget what Polish people did for us and so won't the history books.

Polish people please comment what is Polish equivalent of "Слава Україні! (Slava Ukraini - Glory to Ukraine)", really would like to know it! Internet says its either of these:
Jeszcze Polska nie Zgnięła!
Niech żyje polska!
Polska Gurom!

And with that I thank you once again.
Слава Україні!


Poland is the friend that everyone would want to have, when things go bad they have your back. Love Poland and the Polish people


Way to go Poland. Greetings and respect from Finland.