Spray Paint Not Spraying, Spray Paint Nozzle Clogged, Spray Paint Can Won't Spray,

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Clogged Spray Paint Nozzle Clogged - Spray Paint Won't Spray, spray paint not spraying. Spray Paint Can Won't Spray, Spray Paint Fix

#spray paint not spraying
#clogged spray paint can
#clogged spray paint

I use a toothpick or a thumbtack to clear out the nozzle, heatgun if necessary on low setting and shake, a lot of times, buildup from sitting around causes the spray paint to dry up and harden, thus making it difficult to use.
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Handy tip: I save the spray tip after the can is emptied. It's a good spare in case another can has a bad tip.


Wow! It worked!!!

I must have 30 cans of spray paint and none of them work😡
I'm so happy now☺️


The heat thing totally worked. I didn't have a heat gun so I just poured really hot water over the can. Thanks!


I just got my first clogged spray paint can ever and after watching many videos suggesting using an air gun (I don't have one) to push air into the can, I pulled out my heat gun & lightly warmed up the can for about 10 seconds... voila! I can continue spray painting those ugly gold candle holders I got during the elephant gift exchange :) Thank you!!! I would've never thought of this genius solution.


Quick bursts of heat, works great now. Thanks again.


I’m guessing that the heat is increasing the pressure in the can vs softening the old paint, although it could be doing both. Just be careful not to heat it too much or the can could rupture.


I used a hairdryer. Worked great. Thank you so much.


I am going to try your method. You explained very well.
Thank you!


I like this so much better than hot water 👍. When high pigment artist/graffiti cans clog it can be so frustrating. Especially when some cost almost $10 a can. Although I never mess with clogged caps because they're so cheap. You can get male and female caps and adapters in plenty of different shapes and sizes. It's totally worth having some on hand so you don't have to worry about a clogged cap or a weird spray pattern anymore. And ultimately whenever all else fails, I will take a small paint roller, (the style with a solid bar) you can hold the can with one hand, use the paint roller and the tip of that solid bar to pierce the bottom of the paint can so that way you can at least cover whatever surface you want to cover (although it handles like a garden hose). Or you can point it into a bucket with non spray-paint paint and use it to change the color of the paint in the bucket. Then use a roller to cover a wall or surface.


Thanks!!! You helped me out. I was about to throw it out.


I wonder if the heating is not so much softening the clog as increasing the pressure in the can so it can push out the clog. Just a hypothesis based on the fact that it would take a pretty long period of time for any warmth to penetrate that far to do any real softening.


You are a good bloke, I owe you a beer! Gazz


Thanks!!! I can't tell you how many cans of that paint have been thrown away because they would not spray. I hope we can get this to work for us.


I also used this idea with hair spray long ago, using hot water, but be careful when heating pressurized contents. I burn trash and usually pull out aresol cans or even pull lids off air tight bottles, heck they even explode in an enclosed vehicle or even in truck bed, which I had soda cans explode. But it is a good idea and works well


Thank you this worked instantly!!! Every other video used an air compressor (that I don’t have)!!


I keep the nozzles when I am done with a can and it is empty. Before storing the nozzle, I shoot carb cleaner through it. Instead of using a heat-gun, I put the can in the sunlight for a good while.


I use small, large paper clips. Thanks for the heat idea.


WD 40, carb cleaner, fingernail polish remover, straight pins & picks & paper clips, air compressor…. Have all worked…. But have never tried heat! I’ll try this next time. Thanks.


The heat is a great idea. If I were a betting man I would bet that the benefit of heat is raising the internal psi of the can and not 'loosening things up'.

Anyway, Bravo! I have 100 cans that are half full and clogged. I will be trying this!


I’m having this issue right now with an almost two thirds of a can. I just soaked it in nail polish remover based on another video. If that doesn’t work I may try the heat gun.
