14 Spray Painting Tips

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Great Tips April! And #15, another simple but obvious spray paint tip, Make sure the nozzle is pointing *towards* your workpiece and *NOT* in the opposite direction. This avoids that common "spray paint selfie" issue... LOL -- that's never happened to me 😜 this tip is for the newbies that might make that mistake.

BONUS Tip #16: I prefer to use one of those grip handles that go over the can and gives you an easy trigger, for better control and no paint on your finger and it also eliminates "spay pain selfies" if you have it pointed the wrong direction, which as I said, doesn't happen to me.


I finally bought a detachable handle and was surprised at how much easier it made the process.


Always store the cans upside down and it will save you 15 minutes of "shaking" the can. Leave it upside down until a few minutes before ready to use, then lightly shake it and you are good to go. Spray first coat light enough so that it dries within a few minutes. This will give you better adhesion and if there are any defects you can spot repair them quickly and move on. Scuff between coats and tack rag before applying remaining coats. Perfecto!


Thanx for the awesome tips it helps. Its not a spray paint tip as such, but I always cut the empty can open there is actually pretty marbles on the inside. I like to collect them.


One of those pistol grip handles you can put on on cans of spray paint is a life saver. I bought mine on a whim when they were on a feature by the displays and even though they seemed like a gimmick at the time, boy have they made it so much easier. 

I also made a device to shake the cans using a jigsaw or a sawzall and that is an arm saver, you can make one using some metal hose clamps on plywood with an old saw blade bolted to it. Only takes 10-15 seconds and it's perfectly shaken.


A good tip that I use when using the same color can, one after another, is to reuse the same cap. If you got a good cap, reuse it and save the new one in a bag. So when you come across a clogged cap, swap it out from a new one in your stash.


Speaking as a graffiti artist, you’re missing two very important tips:

1) if you don’t want runs in your paint, only get about 70% coverage on your first pass, then 100% coverage on your second pass. And always let the previous coat fully dry before your next coat!!!

2) don’t look at the nozzle of the can, look at where the paint is hitting the wall.


I recommend one of those cheap trigger things to save finger fatigue and spray on your finger.


Thanks April, for the ideas. I've been painting for a long time (we don't bother mentioning how "well" the painting has gone.) but it's mostly been rattle cans and such. There's always room for a brighter idea!


Instead of leaving the can out in the sun to warm, you can just ran cans under warm running water for 30-60 seconds to bring them up to temperature. The metal can will absorb heat very fast from the water, so you don't need long. Alternatively, if you're using a bunch of cans and switching between them on a project, I like to fill a shop sink or tub with warm water and set all of the cans in, with some bricks or other heavy things to hold them down. Then they can all stay comfy and warm while you work.


The most important thing to know about spray painting: Several very light coats give much, much better results than one or two heavy coats.


Great tips! One I would add is to get yourself one of the pistol grips that attach to the top of the can. They are not very expensive and make using a rattle can so much more like a paint spray gun.


If the suns not out, soak the paint can in warm water to warm up the paint can.
Also, spray through a toilet paper tube to contain overspray or if you in a tight spot.


Main tip from me April is to spray in the direction of view. For example, As a car sprayer of Rolls Royce, Bentleys and other prestige vehicles we spray doors, wings with them in an upright position as that is how you view it in real life. We spray bonnets, boots, roofs etc in the horizontal position as that is how you view them in real life.
Spray a door that is laying on a bench in a horizontal position will look a slightly different colour when refitted.
Recap. Spray each item with that item in its orientation of fitting and results will be better.


All excellent tips, plus use a detachable spray handle. They work great! Thanks and Merry Christmas 🎄!


Love the little improvised stands. Also pleased by your sponsor - I installed a set of those same wall mount shelves about a month ago, surprisingly easy to do without help, made a decent "my first lumber rack" for a tiny workshop...


Hi April thanks for all the tips you share with us. They're so simple but so useful.


I saved a lazy susan from the trash and use it for spinning the small items I’m painting. It’s an easy way to reach all the sides.


3:38 I've done this with two different colors (yellow and red) to get a very passable orange when I didn't have orange on hand. I was surprised at how well this worked. The target object was the body of a model rocket, and I swept the combined paint spray vertically along the body. I was somewhere around 13 at the time.. lol.


Besides John Blystone's recommended handle, wash out a little jar like for horseradish and store still-working tips from empty cans in mineral spirits so you'll be able to find a correct replacement should one plug up in the future..
