Filebrowser is Back! Web File Manager Install and Overview

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Filebrowser is alive and it looks great on mobile devices too!

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----- NAS and Tech Gear I use -----

HP Elite Desk 800 G3 and a home built 4U scrapper for Proxmox nodes

RS820+ - Complete Docker powerhouse!

DS918+ - Great for hosting Emby and Docker containers

DS218+ - Best bang for your buck for tinkering with Docker

----- Studio Gear I use -----

SHW Adjustable Desk

Sony Alpha a6400 Camera

Godox SL60W Lighting

Blackmagic DeckLink Quad Mini

Shure SMB7 Microphone

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can't access it from my phone
it says "took too long to respond"


How can I change de default folder when login? I mean when logged in, me and friends can see the files and folders system, I don't want that, someone can delete them by mistake. I would like to have an empty folder, lets says "share". Any advice will be so much appreciated


I use File run and it supports video playback for some formats and looks very similar


Does this fix or play corrupted files, I’m using a RavPower SSD on my M1 iPad Pro 2021 w/ Apple’s files app & it pops up w/ text as quick time video & the file size


Hi! You mess with the versions because is not the same mainteiner. The version 2.9 is from the image "80x86/filebrowser" (this one is in SelfhostedPro list). The version 2.4 that you installed is from "hurlenko/filebrowser". But the real image is "filebrowser/filebrowser". It's a little tricky.


can it index files like windows indexing?I have more than 2 million files 80% small videos. Thanks in advance


I want to have a web based file manager on a pi zero w, so that I can take it on my camping trips and have the camp folks look at files and music. The reading part is easy, I just installed Apache2 and enabled directory listing with an alias pointing to my shared folder and everyone can see and download files, and if the file is an MP3 or mp4 file, it will stream it! But what I mostly want is the ability to create folders, upload files, and the usual features like copy, move and delete files and folders. This software looks really nice, but having to install docker on a pi zero seems like overkill. Is there a way I can extract the software out of the container and install it directly on the pi? And if so, will it run fine? Or does it need more resources than what the pi zero offers?


Could you mount the data folder to the root of your drive and then use it to manage ALL the files on your server?


Is this plugin safe to use as cloud sharing for lets say ...clients. I am planning to use it to send my clients their films and i m thinking that as soon as its on the internet its vulnerable....any thoughts ? I am using on a remote NAS made with an old PC and OPEN MEDIA VAULT on it .


do docker is needed ? can you show how to deploy docker in windows, will this run on a windows server if no user is log on (as a service) thanks


You have one root folder for your files. Is it possible to add additional files from the NAS and more importantly mounted usb drives to the file browser so that you could share those files over the file browser?


It looks good. Can you run it on mobile devices? I use currently webfolder. It works fine, however I would prefer your File Manager.


Their docker hub states that this can work with nginx proxy, but I don't understand how to integrate that. Do you know how?
