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Dr. John MacArthur is—far and away—America’s greatest Bible teacher. In 2015, I had a burning desire to understand what the Bible really meant, however, everywhere I searched, all
I found was grossly undereducated men who called themselves “preachers” or “pastors” who were chiefly interested in:
1. Making money
2. Gaining popularity
3. Spreading a false gospel

It was quite obvious to me they had very little Biblical knowledge.

MacArthur, on the other hand, has a vast knowledge of the Bible and goes to great pains to explain it so articulately. I can honestly say that he changed the direction of my life. I am forever grateful to find such a wonderful teacher. Therefore, I’ve created this YouTube channel in order to propagate his accurate and thorough Biblical teachings.

MacArthur is not focused on making money, unlike many false Christian preachers today. You can download his sermons for FREE! Just click on this link to go directly to his sermons.

I pray that God blesses you with a deeper understanding of the Word of God!
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He’s a excellent, compassionate, loving, Pastor.


My answer would have been different: In order for us to have fellowship with God and experience his greatest gift, which is love, then we need to have the choice of disobeying Him. Without that choice God would be forcing us to love and obey Him, which is not true love. God desires our hearts not outward obedience. In so doing God knew what it would cost Him to redeem us, but His love is so great that He was willing to pay the price.


I have learned something and what a great compassionate answer thank you sir


To those that disagree and say that God allows evil because of free will, can you please then explain why God created free will to begin with? Why did He allow humans to have free will? If He knew it would leave to suffering?

BTW, John McArthur taps into this as well, and I think he gives a great answer. He is not saying God is a narcissist — he is saying that he wants God’s goodness (emphasis on goodness) to be displayed. He is not saying God Himself is a show-off (although, what is wrong with that exactly when all of us benefit from God’s gifts of creation?).


I'm going to disagree on this one, God explicitly said 'do not eat from the tree' he wasn't 'playing a game so he could display his greatness', God only wants his creation to enjoy existence, but there is no way to create free creatures who only choose good, the best gift in the world can be misused, abused or rejected


ummm thats just one layer... he didnt allow the evil of hu(ed)-man ego... we chose the free will curse


Which requires that free-will be a real thing... But that is also what many Calvinists deny. It's a question we all wrestle with and that is never easy. I mean, most of us in America do not live in fear for our lives everyday or of being raped, tortured, imprisoned. If you are an American, chances are, your faith has never truly been tested. God hates evil; so should we. And then, if we are honest, we must abhor ourselves when we recognize the evil in ourselves. (Job 42:6?) If we deny the evil in ourselves, this only reveals our own depravity and pride. That we have a very high view of ourselves and our own "goodness", and a very very low view of God's holiness. It's all so hard to wrap your mind around...


Thanks for sharing. Praise God (Christ).

Автор God allows Evil because it makes him look good? So, Gods a narcissist ?What a hideous misrepresentation of the nature and character of God.


“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?”

― Epicurus

Try again and this time ANSWER THE QUESTION.


So he’s saying god allows evil to show off?


We humans create and do sin for ours or our loved ones or our ego’s survival purpose. But living with sin in your hands brings down your life to minimal value.
God is compassionate.
The only thing which makes it tricky is that we affect others a lot ( a lot more than one can imagine) through our actions. We are given this power. Human beings must never misuse this power.


God had nothing to prove, he had finished the creation of all things and every thing was very good. Including Adam & Eve .God did not create robots but real people that could think for themselves and make decisions on what they knew . Both Adam & Eve knew the consequences of disobeying God, that it would lead to death. Yet Eve would rather believe the snake [Satan] rather than God.
Adam must have been to infatuated with his wife so he ate the fruit as well.
No thank you for being created,
Taking sides with Satan when God was called a liar .
Just look at the way we live today Crime, corruption, wars, sickness, death all because of one illegal act. That is why God sent his son to earth to bring back the way to seek his father in the way he approves and as a ransom for all who are willing to be acceptable to God.


Didn't like the answer. He made it sound as if God is trying to show off.


Great answer. I needed to hear this today.


Your saying God threw us in the fire so he can play hero? Is that why all misery exist?


“God created things which had free will. That means creatures which can go wrong or right. Some people think they can imagine a creature which was free but had no possibility of going wrong, but I can't. If a thing is free to be good, it's also free to be bad. And free will is what has made evil possible." C.S. Lewis


Job 2:10 and Job said to his wife What? Are we to recieve good at the hand of God and Not recieve Evil? Still Job never sinned with his lips against God.
Shalowm and Amen.


In lamens terms its to separate the wheat from the tares and we are given free will to choose the right path hes gotta sperate the good from the evil. It all started when lucifer fell.


The answer MacArthur has given looks like "I create a problem for you then I sell you the solution to it.", "God creates bad to make himself look good". That answer shows why people say he's a calvinist. I don't follow a egocentric God that creates evil to make himself look good, I follow a generous God that allowed evil to exist because if humans were programmed to do certains tasks without free will, obedience wouldn't have any value neither love would exist. That's why I personally don't subscribe to calvinism. Poor little girl if she understood this.
