Who was Isaiah in the Bible?

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The Prophet Isaiah is often quoted in the New Testament for his words about the Messiah, but how much do you know about his life?

The Prophet Isaiah is known for many things, but especially these three events:

1. The Calling of Isaiah - God called Isaiah to be his prophet with a vision of the Lord and many angels. Isaiah feared his words were not good enough, but an angel came with a burning coal and touched his lips. "Whom shall I send?" asked the Lord. "Here I am, send me!" Isaiah replied.

2. Hezekiah and Isaiah - When the Assyrians came to conquer the Kingdom of Judah, King Hezekiah turned to the Lord in prayer for protection. Isaiah assured him that God heard his prayer and that he would help them.

3. Isaiah's Messianic Prophecies - The Prophet Isaiah spoke of a virgin who would bear a son named Immanuel and a Suffering Servant who would die for the sins of God's people. These prophecies described the birth and death of Jesus Christ.

Here is a full biography of the Prophet Isaiah:

Isaiah was one of God’s greatest prophets. The Old Testament book that bears his name includes many prophecies that are linked to the coming of Jesus Christ.

In 742 B.C. Isaiah had a powerful vision of God in heaven calling him to become a prophet. Isaiah responded to the Lord: “Here I am, send me!”

He proclaimed the word of the Lord during the reigns of many kings of Judah: Uzziah, Jothan, Ahaz, and Hezekiah. It was a time of great strife between God’s people and powerful foreign rulers. The Assyrian king planned to take over the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah. The Assyrians conquered Israel in the north in 722 B.C. and forced the people into captivity in a foreign land. Next they set out to conquer the southern Kingdom of Judah and its capital Jerusalem.

Hezekiah, the King of Judah, prayed to the Lord for help and Isaiah provided an answer from God reassuring the king that the Assyrians would not take the city. God protected Jerusalem, but Israel and Judah had been ravaged by war.

Nevertheless, Isaiah prophesied a message of hope for God’s people that a servant named Immanuel who would be born of a virgin. The servant would suffer and die for the sins of God’s people bringing them healing and peace.

Read more about the life of Isaiah in the Book of Isaiah and 2 Kings 19-20.




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I appreciate very much your videos, Sir. Thank you.


You are doing great sir
Thankyou lord bless you💖


Hello This is Saidul Islam from Bangladesh


The Jews during the prophetic era literally killed and oppressed prophets that they knew to be prophets and whom they were obligated to follow, and yet they murdered and oppressed them anyway. That makes them hypocrites and traitors to their own acknowledged prophets. One important example is the story of the prophet Isaiah, and how he was murdered by being cut in half. Even today you can find passages of the Talmud and videos of Jewish rabbis _justifying_ the murder of Isaiah, not just explaining it, but _literally justifying_ it. Really despicable.
