The Mysterious Prophecy of Isaiah 53

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Exploring the ancient prophecy of Isaiah 53 is one of the most fascinating studies one can make. Some say is reveals the story of the Bible in just a few verses. As the heart of the mystery is identifying the one called "My servant."

Judaism most often identifies the suffering servant as the people of Israel who also have suffered throughout history. Those who believe Jesus was the Messiah of Israel see Isaiah 53 as predicting Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection, centuries before he lived. Can both interpretations find common ground?

This documentary looks for clues in history, archaeology, and even the Dead Sea Scrolls, seen here at The Israel Museum (13:00). Weigh the findings and gain a deeper understanding of Isaiah’s prophecy of hope.

Participants include Dr. Michael Rydelnik, Dr. Walter Kaiser, Dr. Michael Brown, and Dr. Darrell Bock.

Originally released as a Day of Discovery production. In 2015, Day of Discovery was relaunched as Our Daily Bread Films.

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I was homeless, got into drugs, went into prisons, then i got to know Jesus, He changed my life.. Now i have a home, a wife, a lovely daughter and a new identity... A child of God.. Hallelujah


I have read the bible since I was a child, basically because, that was really the only book we had at home, I read it out of curiosity and when I first read Isaiah 53, I knew right away it was referring to Jesus, and take note that English is not my first language, and the old testament we had was a King James version, the kind that was so hard for me to understand, but even as a child with little knowledge in English, a seventeenth-century English, it was never a mystery to me. So when I found out that it's a sort of controversial chapter in the bible, it was baffling, but I came to understand why and i know that everyone will eventually see and acknowledge that it's all about Jesus. The scales are falling off of people's eyes.


The thing I love about the Bible is that it only makes sense supernaturally. This is why a lot of people have passed it by as myth and storytelling. The birth of Israel came about via supernatural means—the parting of the Red Sea—and the miracles of Jesus including the resurrection and ascension into Heaven.. Jesus said we had to be born again of spirit not water to understand these things. Praise and thank the the Lord for revealing these mysteries to us His people.


Every knee shall bow down & worshiped the holy name of Jesus Christ.


It is sad that no one seems to study Isaiah 56:4-5. When I read it, the passage healed me of so much pain.


I cant seem to let go of Isaiah and Revelation. Every word of these 2 books fills me with Yahwehs love


I wrote on the tablet of my heart(letter by letter) this profound Biblical portion(in Spanish language) about 12 years ago.
It took me 70 days and many many many times reciting the portion in order to have it carved on my heart permanently and could not stop crying everytime I repeated reading the chapter.
I later had a dream with Jesus and in the dream I kept repeating "This is my Jesus, this is my Jesus"


It it clear to me the Old Testament was totally preparing the Way for Jesus, and for Jesus to read from Isaiah 53 in the temple was the proof needed to open the eyes of many and create a path for us all. Thank You Jesus!


How can anyone not be amazed that before Christ was born, someone already written so specifically about Him. And everything match exactly with archeological evidence.
How blessed are we to read the bible and understood the deep message in it. If it is not for God’s spirit guiding us, we will just the bible just as a story book or great literature. May God be forever praised for His long suffering love for us.


Wow, I figured that chapter out first time I read it and it made me cry.. There is no question in my mind that it was referring too Christ. And I am but a simple servant of God, and He showed me His truth. Amen..


Every time I hear this passage from the Bible bring a tear to my eye.
Thank you My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for your Sacrifice you made on the Cross of Calvary


I used to include Our Daily Bread TV shows every Sunday Morning as part of my Speritual preparation to attend Sunday Services. Still read the Daily Devotion. So helpful in focusing one's day of Gratitude & Thanks to God for His Grace through Faith. In Jesus' Name. Amen. 🙏


The best video on Isaiah 53. It rested my soul. I know I serve the risen Savior.


I remember the first time I read Isiah 53. There was no doubt whom he was speaking of. It is a vivid description of Jesus's last days on Earth. Very heart wrenching.


The Bible is so spot on and just an amazing example of the power of God and accuracy of prophecy.


I would love to go to Israel with my family and see what is written in the places written about. Where he walked and grew up. My Lord my Savior, Jesus Christ.


Thank you Our Daily Bread for this essential teaching ❤️
Praise You Jesus Messiah Yeshua HaMaschiach. The Saviour of mankind 🙌🏾❤️🙌🏾
Jesus Is Lord 🙌🏾❤️🙌🏾👑🙌🏾❤️🙌🏾


Grew up in the 60’s with our mom reading from our daily bread every morning at our breakfast. My sister and i read to mom on her death bed in 2001 Our Daily Bread prayers. Just came upon this site today, wow sent chills through me. Jesus is always watching us💐


Great video💕 Jesus is my King💕 The Isaiah prophesy hits me deep. I know Jesus suffered deeply for me, for you, for us. Even in my suffering I know Jesus suffered before me for me, for you, for us. One day we will sit before Him free of our suffering in a world of peace without the fears we have today, yesterday and tomorrow. When we fear change today, when we are TOLD to have fear and hate by those influencing us we need to remember how this ends and God wins. Good wins, love wins, peace wins. We are in glorious times whether we are nearing the time of Jesus’s return or whether we are simply another passing generation in preparation to that time. We are blessed to have Jesus in our hearts.


Giving thanks to my Lord and Savior Jesus the Messiah! 🙌 👑
