Should YOU Use Sentence Case OR Title Case on Google Ads

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Should you use sentence case or title case in google ads? Well it depends on where you're thinking of using them. Let's quickly take a look at this with an approach led by studies.

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Solid video, my friend. I'm working on a Google Search Certificate and this video was perfect for explaining the difference between the two. (Sentence case, Title case) Appreciate you! 😊


thanks man, I really wanted to know more about it, also loved the brief science part


Hi, trying some case variations now. We had title case throughout. Hey Darren, get one of those "Thanks" buttons!


Currently writing an essay right now and this is my procrastinating detour. I Think 'Title Case' is More Tiresome in Full Senteces Because it Portrays Each Word as Equally Important to Each Other, Meaning That You Subconsciously Exert More Effort in Reading Each Word, meanwhile in 'sentence case' you can essentially read through a bunch of words and as long as you're practiced enough in paying the right amount of attention you can get the basic gist of what is being said in the sentence. You read the sentence, and then understand it; rather than understanding the sentence word by word, which is part of the reason people actually care about run-on sentences because when they're reading they're waiting for the full-stop to allow them to comprehend what they've skimmed through but the full-stop isn't coming soon enough and eventually they have to take their own break while reading the sentence before the actual point of the sentence is finished and thereby creating confusion for the reader and the potential for them to lose where they were.

One form of typing I like to use while text messaging, which I wish was more acceptable in formal writing, is "Emphasis case" (I am unsure if there is a proper term for it but I just made that one up). I just feel like it helps a lOt in conveying intent withOut the need to use vEry specific language to get your exAct point across. It also somewhat makes written sentences feel more like speech, which to me INstantly makes text more comprehendable. But that's just my opinion tbf.


Testing is the best approach to figure it out )


Thanks but could you show examples title and sentence cases?
