25 Things Twilight Left Out From The Books

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Key moments from the Twilight books that never made it into the movies

Hey Screen Ranters! Welcome back. Let’s face it...we’ve all found ourselves settling in to watch Twilight sometime in the last decade. And whether you enjoyed yourself or not you can’t deny how much of a phenomenon Bella, Edward, and Jacob became.

It may have been one of the top grossing franchises for quite a while but the charm of actors like Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, and Taylor Lautner wasn’t enough to keep the criticism away. However, we’ve been thinking that maybe if the movies had followed Stephenie Meyer’s book series more closely things could have been different.

That’s why in this video we’re going over 25 things that the twilight movies left out from the books. From meaningless facts to book moments that could have changed the movies for the better, you’ll be shocked to learn that the Twilight story is more interesting than the movies led us to believe. Did you know that the Cullens had a family crest? Because we sure didn’t.

From Twilight to Breaking Dawn get ready to learn about interesting backstories, characters that didn’t even exist in the films, and the deep meaning behind Bella Swan’s yellow cabinets.

Do you think the movie creators should have left these book details in? Are there any other facts you noticed that they left out of the movies? Make sure to come discuss all your thoughts with us in the comment section below. We’d also love if you could give this video a thumbs up and hit that subscribe button. Catch you later!

0:00 Intro
0:29 The Name Behind The Series
1:16 The Cullen Family Crest
1:43 Bella’s Head Injury
2:30 Edward Eating Food
3:07 Bella’s Fear of Blood
3:37 Bella’s Job
4:03 Bella’s Lullaby
4:37 Alice and Bella’s Friendship
5:13 Alice’s Backstory
5:58 Bella, Edward, and College
6:35 Bella Agrees To Stay Human
7:07 Jacob’s Size
7:37 Jasper’s Age
8:23 Esme’s Son
9:01 Jacob’s Immortality
9:31 Jacob’s Twin Sisters
10:04 Edward’s Motorcycle
10:33 Bella’s Cooking
10:59 Bella’s Yellow Kitchen Cabinets
11:39 Ben Cheney
12:06 Lauren Mallory
12:48 Carlisle’s Tinted Windows
13:30 Jasper’s Powers
14:07 Bella’s Graduation Guests
14:54 Jacob’s Volkswagen Rabbit

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Written by: Alyssa Goulart
Narrated by: Grant Kellett @Gtalkstoomuch
Edited by: Alisha Grezlik

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I love how they r STILL making twilight videos and I am STILL watching them


twilight could have been a 3-4 season show honestly


The Breaking dawn title refers to bella’s new life as a vampire


Okay but jasper was such a cool character. We needed more of the backstories in the movies. Also I have absolutely zero hate for twilight books or movies and anyone who does can be silent


The Twilight saga is my guilty pleasure, but they would have been much better if they stuck closer to the source material in a lot of cases


I think they also mentioned in the books that Jacob's pack aren't really werewolves. They confirmed that actual transform-under-the-full-moon werewolves do exist in their world but the wolves in Forks are just shape-shifters


I wish they would’ve mentioned Alice more. A vampire turned her to save her from James and she woke up alone.


They need a Jasper and Alice spinoff! Way more interesting!!


Everytime I see a Robert Pattinson movie and think "holy crap he's actually a pretty good actor." someone does a video on twilight. Poor guy just can't get away.


Also in the books, when Bella and Jacob kiss she can see a future with him. I wish they did it in the movie.


So Jasper can use his powers on bella to manipulate her emotions but Edward can't read her mind what is that about.


One of the MOST beautiful thing which was missing was Bella’s cooking...yes she cooked every night in the book


my favorite part of the twilight saga is this
Bella: Nessie?
also Bella: you nicknamed my daughter after the locness monster!!!
classic lol


“He has decent abs.”


What’s your definition of glorious abs screenrant lol.


*CORRECTION- Bella isn't "afraid" of blood. The big deal about the blood thing is that she can SMELL IT. The smell of it makes her sick and since she's human, she shouldn't be able to smell it so keenly that she can describe it as thoroughly as a vampire could.*


You got quite a few things things wrong here. Bella didn’t suffer a concussion from the car accident, and Edward wasn’t too late. Edward was actually the one who caused her to hit her head because he slammed into her while grabbing her away from the van. He also had to pick the van up to keep it from crushing Bella’s legs. She hurt her head, but didn’t have a concussion. Another thing is that Jasper didn’t put together a newborn army when he was newly changed. A young woman named Maria changed him to become part of her newborn army to take over large cities so they could feast without any other vampires. Jasper didn’t know it then, but his ability to manipulate emotions was how he got the newborns to behave better. He was the only one to survive his first 15 months as a vampire, and so Maria kept him and manipulated him. He didn’t specifically want to become a ‘vegetarian’. The only reason he ate animals instead of humans was because he hated himself for killing humans because he could feel their emotions and because of Alice. Jasper met Alice in a café. Alice had seen him in a vision, of course, so she knew where to wait for him. Alice had also had a vision of the Cullens, so they went there. Alice stole Edwards room. You also didn’t mention how Bella broke her hand punching Jacob for kissing her in the books. Ben wasn’t the name of Bella’s first friend, His name was mike. How did you even manage to mess that up? When talking about Lauren, you’re showing clips of Jessica. You said Lauren was masked with Jessica in the movies, but you have that completely wrong. Lauren and Bella never even have a conversation, all we knew was that Lauren didn’t like Bella even though they barely knew each other. Jessica and Lauren were two completely different characters. Billy didn’t bribe Jacob to tell Bella about vampires in the first book. Bella tricks it out of him in an effort to find out what Edward is. Carlisle didn’t find Esme at the bottom of the cliff. She was brought to the hospital, barely alive, and he took her from there and changed her. And you got some things about Alice wrong. She didn’t ask to be turned into a vampire. She was kept in a dark cell 24/7 and that’s why she doesn’t remember her human life. When James went after Alice, a vampire who was fond of Alice turned her into a vampire so that James couldn’t get to her. In revenge James killed the vampire who changed Alice. Also, the books mentioned how Edward, Aro, Jane, and Demitri couldn’t use their talents on Bella but Jasper, Alice, Marcus, e.t.c could. So basically, Bella’s shield isn’t physical, it’s a mental shield. It doesn’t protect her body, only her mind. Edward can’t use his talent because obviously she has a shield wrapped around her brain, and Jane doesn’t actually cause pain, she only makes you think you’re in pain inside your mind. The reason Alice, Jasper, and some of the others can use their talents on her is because they are physical abilities, not mental. Alice sees visions of outcomes, not the reasons and thoughts behind them. Jasper can feel the tenor of someone’s emotions and change them because he doesn’t feel the reasons behind the emotions, only the emotions themselves. Jasper physically calms your system, it isn’t a mind trick. Sorry if this was really long, but it should explain some things for the movie watchers.


The other half vampire/ half human Nahuel was never explained either. His story was interesting. I liked how we learned how he was born then turned his aunt. He could change people into vampires but Renesmee wouldn’t be able to.


Not to mention the fact that there were 2 imperative Volturi members that were never mentioned in the movies. Chelsea and Renata. Chelsea could break and strengthen the bonds of anyone (short of genuine deep love). That's why the Volturi guards were so very devoted to Aro, Caius, and Marcus. Renata was Aro's personal bodyguard. She was a very powerful physical shield, and Aro never went anywhere without her.


That’s only about half of what they actually messed in the books


forgot about the whole Jacob going to seattle with Edwards car to try and meet a girl bit
