Bipolar 1 Disorder or Bipolar 2 Disorder - Which is Worse?

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Bipolar disorder 1 vs 2, which is worse? There is a common misconception that bipolar 2 is a milder form of bipolar 1 and therefore probably less of a problem. This can lead to people feeling as though they don't need to get treatment if they have bipolar disorder. In this video I give you the definitions of bipolar 1 and bipolar 2 disorders.

Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder that has two states. Depressive episodes and manic or hypomanic episodes. Manic episodes are defined as the following according to the diagnostic and statistical manual fifth edition
A period of abnormally and persistently elevated, expansive, or irritable mood and abnormally and persistently increased activity or energy, lasting at least 1 week and present most of the day, nearly every day.

And then you have 3 of the following: or 4 if your mood is irritable instead of elevated
1. Inflated self-esteem or grandiosity.
2. Decreased need for sleep
3. More talkative than usual or pressure to keep talking.
4. Flight of ideas or racing thoughts
5. Distractibility
6. Increase in goal-directed activity or psychomotor agitation
7. Excessive involvement in activities that have a high potential for painful consequences (e.g., engaging in unrestrained buying sprees, sexual indiscretions, or foolish business investments).

Hypomania is the same thing has the same symptoms except that they only need to last for four days. Also a second main difference with hypomania is that the symptoms don't cause real impairment in your functioning.

The reason bipolar 2 is not really a milder form of bipolar 1 is because people with bipolar 2 disorder tend to have a more chronic course to their illness. They tend to spend more time depressed than people with bipolar 1.

So bipolar 1 may be more intense, but bipolar 2 can be more chronic and persistent. Also the number of lifetime episodes of hypomania and depression tends to be more for bipolar 2 disorder than for bipolar 1 disorder or major depression.

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I have bipolar 2 I guess and but for a long time I just thought I had depression and I just thought being talkative anxious energetic was just my personality


I was diagnosed w/ Bipolar 2 when I was 14. I have spent 21 years reading and learning as best I can. I have a strong opinion on the way people talk about it on TV and movies. I don’t think people really understand it. I love your video because it is all the things I wish people would understand. I’m on medication but I still have hard days. Mental illness is something that makes people uncomfortable and the judge you for it. I have bad days just like everyone else. I fight everyday to get out of bed and go to work. I have a full time job and own my house. That is something I lot people can’t do even with out a mental illness. I wish people would see me for my strengths not my weaknesses. Thank you for doing this video. I hope a lot of people watch and understand.


where are my bipolar 2 buddies at we all depressed :( but we will be okay soooonnnn <3 stay strong everyone


My sister was Bipolar 1, in and out of hospitals for the decade before she took her life in July last year. Her hyper-mania episodes were terrifying. Thank you for doing these videos.


Thank you. As a mother of a 25 year-old son with Bipolar 1 and a 23-year old daughter with Bipolar 2, I FINALLY UNDERSTAND THE DIFFERENCE. Your videos are so helpful for my family and me. Thank you!


I have Bipolar 1 and what kills me is the hallucinations. They’re very scary and very intense. Also Mania is a pain in the butt, I don’t know I’m in a manic episode until I’ve wasted lots of money on pointless items. Thank you Doc for giving me a sense of direction and helping me feel validated💖


I have bipolar 2, and I always felt like I shouldn't complain, because it wasn't bad as bipolar 1 - I don't get as many manic episodes because of my medication. But my depressive episodes when they sneak in are AWFUL. This explanation makes me feel less insane, thank you so much for this. I can share this with my parents, who are constantly trying to understand my bipolar.


I payed for tandem skydiving during a manic episode, the time came 2 months later and the company called to ask where I was, but it was during a depressive episode and I had totally forgot about it.


This is great information! People often don’t know that there are 2 types.


Thanks for the video! I have no doubt bipolar 1 is a nightmare, but I get tired of hearing bipolar 2 described as less severe because our struggles are less obvious. For me, the worst is the agitated depression. I don't know if it would be classified as hypomania or a mixed state, but I know the feeling when it comes. It scared me when it first started happening, since I had no idea what was going on. I was still pretty functional, though. After landing in the hospital and initially treated for depression, I was very fortunate to get a therapist who picked up on the bipolar right away. Years later, things aren't perfect by any means, but I can function like a normal, stable human being. If things get bad, I know they'll get better again, because they always have. I hope research continues to find better treatments and that videos like yours chip away at the stigma still associated with these illnesses.


I have been diagnosed with Bipolar 1, but I have severe depressive episodes. I don't think you can really put anybody in a specific category. Everybody is different. I lost my husband to a car accident in 2011 and it has been hard to hold myself together since then. He kept me on solid ground for years. When he died, I knew I wasn't going to be okay for very long.


I have bipolar 2 but it’s still very disruptive. I was diagnosed with 1 as a teen but 2 as an adult- I’m assuming learning more coping skills to bring myself back down has led to a decrease in disruptiveness but I spend probably 75% of my life depressed for months at a time as opposed to swings within a few weeks. But the mania is a welcome break, despite how disruptive it can be, because of how low those lows are. Bottoming out is the perfect word. You’re out of service until you slowly fix yourself up enough to function. I’ve gone months without showering, lost numerous jobs because I couldn’t get out of bed, destroyed relationships. But the mania, the zero savings, hyper sexuality with multiple partners, the belief that everyone is out to get you, everyone hates you but eff that you’re the best and everyone should love you. God I wish it was taken more seriously. So often we toss out that she’s so “ bipolar” without realizing. It’s like saying that girl “has cancer” you wouldn’t do that, it’s weird and It sucks. Thanks for coming to my manic rant that didn’t make sense. ❤️


Bipolar 1 absolutely ruined my life, and hospitalization was the worst time of my life, but if I think about it now, being in the hospital helped more than I knew at the time, and treatment and medication has really changed my life. People always say you don't need medication it's all in your mind, nothing is wrong with you, but just because I'm good at hiding it doesn't mean it's not there. If anyone is considering stopping treatment and medication because they're feeling better, don't. Just don't. You'll be thankful in the long run. Take care of yourselves❤


Thank you. I was diagnosed with Bipolar 1 yesterday. My manic episodes ruined my life last year. I knew there was something off before. I'm still picking up pieces from last year. Finally got a real diagnosis and started treatment.


I’ve been studying psychology for over a year now and feel like I finally have a full understanding of this disorder, thank you!


WOW Doctor. You really broke this one down very well for me. I am a Medical student and I have always been very confused about these two disorders, but after watching your video, no more confusion. This is great work. Please keep up. Thank you so much.


Bipolar ll doesnt mean its "less severe" at all, i suffer with this type of Bipolar if anything my depression is more severe and a longer


Got misdiagnosed for 4-5 years before I was diagnosed with Type I Bipolar Disorder. It’s one of the most difficult mental illness to deal with it. It takes a lot of therapy, medication, and self care. Without any of that I’d more than likely wouldn’t be here right now. It’s very hard to deal with in a relationship since it affects your partner as well. I’m glad BP is finally being talked about. There’s so much stigma around BP and many people think it’s just being crazy happy and then immediately switching to being crazy mean. I see girls on social media say “I’m so bipolar” after saying they got super angry out of nowhere and threw stuff at their boyfriend or just got in a really bad fight and did something incredibly abusive and they use bipolar disorder to try and make excuses for their actions. A lot of people see others with bipolar disorder as crazy or violent when that’s not always the case.


As the saying goes. “Knowledge is power” when my 18 yr old was diagnosed BP1 after a psychotic episode i was devastated. These videos give me strength, it helps me focus on his needs and how to prepare for what the future may hold. Thank you.


Bipolar II definitely is very very intense. Went through the MDD box, then the treatment resistant depression one, and finally was diagnosed with bipolar 2 disorder. Regardless, the depression associated with it, suicidal ideation, self harm urges and the negative feelings are a truck load to deal with. I'm glad you took the time to debunk this myth though, thank you!
