One Of the Most Mind-Boggling Syndromes There is - Anton Syndrome

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This video is about a fascinating syndrome that can occur after damage to the visual cortex, Anton's syndrome.


1. Chaudhry, F. B., Raza, S. & Ahmad, U. Anton’s syndrome: a rare and unusual form of blindness. BMJ Case Rep 12, e228103 (2019).
2. M Das, J. & Naqvi, I. A. Anton Syndrome. in StatPearls (StatPearls Publishing, Treasure Island (FL), 2024).
3. Anton syndrome. Wikipedia (2023).

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"You're blind"
"Nuh Uh"


"you're blind"
"No, I'm not"
"How many fingers am I holding up?"


Would you lose?"
"Nah, I'd win"


The deterioration of the visual cortex means the eye itself is fine but the brain can't process vision but the brain is a neural network other parts of the brain might be starting to slowly take the place of the visual cortex but they are unable to develop far enough to completely restore vision they are not in denial they are experiencing something that is completely incomprehensible the idea of vision being processed by a completely diffrent part of the brain. I myself think the part of the brain responsible for creativity and dreams probably takes over and starts to make stories about what is wrong . They are actually seeing what they describe it just so happens to be the that thier vision is completely made up by the brain which doesn't know how to process it.
(This is but a hypothesis)


The issue is that the visual information is reaching the brain, but it cannot be processed properly or at all. Therefore, the brain goes, "I'm not blind, the visual data coming in looks good"...


"Are you blind?"

"No, this is Patrick."


"Are you blind?"
"N-No you!"


“He is blind, he just doesn’t know it yet 🎅🎅🐡🥕”


To put it simply, someone with Anton syndrome see’s things as if they’re AI generated. An apple could have unusual proportions or even be an incomprehensible colour, a human could have 3 eyes and be walking upside down, the ground could be above them and it’s in a 2d image. Etc etc. this is based on my short research though, take what I say with a grain of salt.


The problem lies in the visual cortex which has undergone damage due to blood vessels infarction supplying it .The eye is completely normal and functional but the visual centre in the brain cant process the image and transmit the signal to other parts of brain like motor speech area and speech association area. So the patient cannot correctly identify the objects kept in front of them.


Funny thing is there's also the reverse of this: blindsight. Those affected report not being able to see, and if you ask them "How many fingers am I holding up?" they'll say, "I don't know, " but then if you say, "But if you had to guess, how many do you think I might be?" they guess right.


You can’t really blame them, if someone came up to you and said that your cereal is actually a soap box filled with dirt, you wouldn’t believe them either


Makes sense, the brain already fills in a lot of info through pattern recognition, so putting it up a step makes sense


Basically, the eyes work, but they can't transmit visual information to the brain, but the brain knows that the eyes work, and in the abscence of information, it literally just comes up with stuff all on its own. These people are actually "seeing", just not the real world, it is a perfect recreation(to the brain at least) of the world it believes to be in, it would be like a permanent dream, and now I'm starting to wonder if they can control that world, upon realizing it is in fact not real.


One more short before i go to sleep
The short:


This reminds me of the guy who got dementia, forgot he's blind and started getting back his vision


"Sir youre blind you cant drive."

"Id have to see it to believe it and i dont see blind"


It's crazy how one small mistakes or error in our body can cause huge problem


Sounds like every OLD PERSON i met ...
They also deny losing their HEARING, too.


Doc: I’m going to throw a ball for you to catch
*15 balls later*
Patient: ahhhh I think I blinked again
