The Most Mind-Blowing Aspect of Circular Motion

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In this video we take an in depth look at what happens when a ball is being swung around in circular motion on the end of a string and you then release the string. This phenomenon turns out to be quite surprising!

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This project was supported, in part, by Dickinson College.

Special thanks to Aaron Titus and Jeff Regester for being such a big help at High Point University. A big thanks also to Noah Lape for helping with almost every aspect of this video, and for producing such a nice slinky simulation! Lastly, thanks to my Dickinson colleagues for helpful discussions and to Jonathan Barrick for being willing to make me anything at any time!

Although not very math-y, I went ahead and entered this video into #SoME3

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In a way, this is a trick question. I think most people just think of the string being released from the center as being essentially the same problem as the ball detaching from the end of the string. If the problem were the latter, the ball detaching from the string, the answer would indeed be "b." The reason it's "a" is because no string is an infinitely rigid body, thus of course it would take a non-instantaneous amount of time (I imagine no faster than the speed of sound in the material the string is made of) for the ball to experience a change in centripetal force coming from the other end of the string. A question arises, what's the maximum angle that the ball can continue to subtend after the string is released? I'm guessing it's equal to the length of the string in the ideal case (that is to say 1 radian) but have no idea what it would be with the best real world material.


The moral for physics teachers is “don’t forget to specify a massless string”😁


and this is why all those Applied Math questions always stated " a non-elastic string" where they would assume the reaction to be instantaneous.


This is why is in all physics exams I took the questions started with "Assume you have a system with friction-less couplings in a vacuum and a perfectly uniform spherical object connected by a rigid rod to an infinitesimally small single point" because once you have to take account of material tension, air resistance and even object widths then the question gets increasing more problematic to answer correctly.


A good summary would be to say that releasing the string <> releasing the ball. The ball isn't released until the tension wave reaches it and therefore continues its circular motion.


Interesting perspective - I once did an experiment similar to this but I used a 9" nail with feathers on it like an arrow and spun it at high speed by hand at about ten feet of line. I had set up a knife so that when I wanted to "Release" the nail, I would drop down a little at the knees and let the string be cut by the knife near the nail - worked great and it really was traveling at high velocity and I believe that the tiny speck of fishing line left beyond the knife was so minuscule that it had very nearly ZERO effect on the "STRAIGHT" trajectory of the nail - Your ball that continues on the circular path is interesting looking but, in effect, is simply NOT yet truly released from the force holding in in the circular pattern. The sliding puck was a similar case because - although the puck lost enough friction to slide; it was still, partially, being restricted by friction.


Since we're not ignoring small details, the ball also has to rotate. We can explain it either as to conserve angular momentum since it will no longer be rotating, or because points in the ball have different speeds since they are at different distances from the center of the rotation.


As others have said. These kinds of questions assume idealised scenarios. Almost like the string vanishes from existence (like the sun in the final example). So B is the 'correct' answer. Great expansion of the concept. The falling slinky alone is a great challenge to the assumptions! Love this video


Its always nice to know an event as catastrophic as the sun disappearing could take place and I would remain blissfully unaware of it.


Excellent video. It boils down to definition. When released from the centre, then you're no longer talking about a ball because the object is a [ball + string]. You'd have to release the ball at the radial end of the string to remove the string from the object, and then you will get answer B. It would have been good if you replaced the string with a metal rod with a release mechanism at the end to show the trajectory of the ball on its own.


Actually the straight trajectory tangent to the circular one is NOT an approssimation.

Just as you showed with the movement of a falling slinky, you should only base your calculations on the center of mass of the system.

In all of the real examples the center of mass left the circular trajectory in a straight line.

If you were only considering the trajectory of the ball, you should release it without the string attached. This way the position of the center of mass will coincide with the geometric center of the sphere, therefore leading to the expected result of the ball continuing in a straight line.


There are a lot of comments complaining about the question being misleading, but I feel like those people are way too concerned about being right and how that affects their own egos.

In reality, the video isn't about if you already know the answer, it's about learning something new, or thinking about things in a new way, and it does a fantastic job of it. It's very well communicated, a very solid length for this topic, and has a very good mix of theoretical and experimental sections. Great job and I'm looking forward to more videos!


You have an incredible talent for making physics videos that are engaging for physics novices and experts! I can't wait to see what else you do with this channel. 😊

A note for physics teachers: standardized tests (AP Physics, MCATS, etc) will expect your students to give the straight line answer (B). This is typically because instead of asking about the string being released, they ask about the string being CUT, and the assumption is that it is cut at the location of the ball, so there is no delay while a wave propagates. If your students are comfortable with the material, be sure to point out this important difference.


The punchline to one of my favorite geeky jokes is "Assume a spherical cow." We all assume an idealized string. Thanks for an entertaining video, David.


Good presentation and the slow motion video with the slinky spinning the ball to illustrate the effect of finite time required to propagate the information was very impressive. I was thinking of the "what if the sun disappears" case as an example but you mentioned it at the end. That being said, the question in the beginning was tricky in the sense that most people would assume you are using "fully rigid" spring. Could have started off by clearly stating that the string is elastic, or by not even posing this question but just saying that this video demonstrates the effect of elasticity or finite speed of propagation of information on circular motion. That alone in itself is incredible in itself, as you have demonstrated in the rest of the video.
This tricky question at the beginning made it hard to take you seriously in the beginning, especially when it was immediately followed by the example of an object on a rotating turntable wherein the cause of the centripetal force is frictional force and the behavior you showed (it slipping and it following a curved path) was for a phenomenon not directly related to this topic, which you didn't even get into in the video! Could have avoided the sensationalism, just my opinion.


I always cut my "massless" string at the ball. While I think your presentation of the question is disingenuous, I do love the video and how it sheds "light" on the finer details. Don't forget the mass (or more appropriately, the moment of inertia) of the string, this will have a similar effect without retardation (change your slinky to a solid rod). I stand by the answer "b", but admittedly to the question of motion after breaking/cutting the string at the ball. What I really like about this video is that it make one think about the real life impacts of the fictitious assumptions/simplifications we employ and quickly forget about.


It seems like the mass travels tangentially to not the exact release point, but the tension release point, which makes complete sense.

Great video.


Wave propagation is a fascinating thing, and is involved in surprising processes. It appears that it is involved in the swinging of a ball on a string (or slinky) in a least upon release. If you looked carefully, you could actually see a small reflected wave traveling back up the string when the tension wave reached the ball. The impedance of the ball is quite high compared to the string, resulting in the reflected wave. Same thing happens with sound waves, radio waves, and even water waves. Fascinating stuff.


I'd just like say that the production on this video was outstanding. The clear writing, your eloquent narration, the beautiful graphics and slow motion edits to demonstrate your points. I think if you can pick the right topics you will have a million subs before too long.


Thank you so much for this video. I was pondering this exact question a few months ago and had also followed the logic of the slinky drop. My final question in fact was what would happen to earth’s trajectory if the sun was to suddenly cease to exist. Great demonstration of the physics of it all.
