Early Runescape Facts For 40 Minutes

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Hey there, as the title says in today's video we're gonna be looking at Runescape facts from the early days of the game. For 40 Minutes. Enjoy!

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-Any instances of melee pronounced as "mee-lee" instead of "may-lay" are by mistake. It's a bad habit. I got it correct in some instances, but messed it up when not paying attention.
-Pricing described during one portion showing world 2 pictures is different that what is shown on screen. I referenced a price from mid 2006 and the picture reflects the price from between 05-06 (verac's)
-I tried to make all information presented in the video as accurate as possible, but I do make mistakes. My apologies in advance!


Only real OGs remember playing RuneScape through the Miniclip link and choosing high or low detail to accommodate their potato PC specs.


I would definitely like a modern version of this video. Many of us are returning players and don't really know what happened in the 2012-2020 range.


The reason why the platebody icon has the gloves removed was because in RSC, platebodies originally did not allow you to wear gloves. They took up the "slot" and were the tradeoff for the extra defense over the chainbody. This is why pkers wore rune chainbodies in the oldest RSC clips; Klank's Gauntlets' +2 strength bonus, coupled with chainbody, was the optimal setup.


Can we just agree how utterly hardcore and savage early RuneScape was. For those of us that played when we were young kids, we were literally forged in the flames grinding out this unbelievably harsh game 😊


Hearing "unids" took me back holy shit, so many gems in this video. I miss the 2004-2006 Runescape days when everything had mystery around it and I had no idea what I was doing. I still love the game, but that era was special.


i cant imagine doing clues back in the early days. What an unknowing grind it truly was.


I remember selling a black cav for 1m at seers bank, after someone was cannoning at rock crabs, aggro'd the fremennik warrior and died due to afking.

Was my first time becoming a millionaire lol


i started playing in 2005 i really appreciate that i was able to experience the era. it was something so unreal. i was only 9 at the time. 26 now (:


@7:55 this fact of moving items in your inventory made me think about how until this day I still reclick on whatever I'm doing after re-arranging my inventory even though this no longer interrupts things anymore.


12:00 there was a bug where you could interact with objects in the castlewars area since it was copy/pasted into the game, typically the stairs. If you spammed report abuse you could get into the team base, click the portal out (which was still functional good job Jagex) and exit the copters area with a castlewars hood/cape. By memory it kept the copter animation going on your account but without the actual copter under your character.
It was a really low-tier bug but it let you get members items on a free to play account.


Random fact: When dark bow was released the attack speed was slow enough where another player could steal the monster your were currently in combat with between hits. It was hot fixed quickly after it became known.


Fun fact about those gnomecopters: they were a result of a suggestion from the forums, and the same person who suggested them was also the person who came up with the idea for canoe stations. And she is now semi-famous irl as Montana state representative Zooey Zephyr


If you logged into a world and stayed still for 15 min ( you could chat and emote, just not move from your square).. and then buried bones at the 15 min mark, it would trigger a random event 100% of the time.


The crystal bow degrades every 100 shots or so losing a % of its power each time. However, if you had two crystal bows - if you kept a rough estimate of how many shots you had made - you could switch to the second bow when you got close to the degradation point and then switch back to the main bow when the first bow degrades a stage. Thereby keeping your main use cbow at full power for the duration of usage.

Basically the degrading was locked to your character not the bow itself so this trick worked. No idea if or when this mechanic was removed.


On the topic of Splitbark; the Splitbark Top was really popular for pking for the same (alch valued-based) keep on death rule you discussed in this video, a Mystic top used to protect on death over a whip/fury so higher risk pkers of that era opted to use SB instead. I have fond memories of pking with SB top, Mystic bottoms, Farseer helm and a mage shortbow->whip combo, the stats were terrible but it was enough to strike fear into my green dragon killing victims :P


Dude that item rearranging thing from March 2007 really hit me, I learned to play about 4 months earlier in 2006 and always knew if I moved items around it would cancel stuff, so I adapted my play style to it. Still catch myself doing that now even though it's been changed for decades.


7:58 I have a habit of re-clicking monsters and objects after i've moved an item in my inventory, i noticed a few days ago that i didn't need to re-click after moving an item since my action continued regardless and wondered where i got that from. Makes sense now


That 25k/75k wilderness trick really threw me for an unexpected trip down memory lane. That was a weird time hahah. Love it.


I love these types of videos. Been playing this game for over 18 years now. So many memories <3