Clean Architecture with ASP.NET Core 8 | .NET Conf 2023
Показать описание
Clean Architecture (aka Onion, Hexagonal, Ports-and-Adapters) organizes your code in a way that limits its dependencies on infrastructure concerns. This results in much more testable, maintainable code and is ideal for Domain-Driven Design as well as microservices. Learn how to apply it to your ASP.NET Core apps!
00:00 Let's get started
00:06 What is Clean Architecture
01:25 When to use Clean Architecture
03:25 Two approaches to layered architecture
05:57 Demo
07:25 Clean Architecture Rules
08:51 What belongs in the Core project
13:48 Demo
16:23 What about CQRS
16:45 What belongs in teh Use Cases project
17:01 Demo
18:35 What belongs in the Infrastructure project
20:02 Demo
21:29 What belongs in the Web project
22:05 Demo
23:57 The Shared Kernel
24:17 Demo
25:52 Resources
25:57 Q&A
Clean Architecture Template
eShopOnWeb Reference Application
Architect Modern Apps w/ASP.NET Core eBook
More from Steve
00:00 Let's get started
00:06 What is Clean Architecture
01:25 When to use Clean Architecture
03:25 Two approaches to layered architecture
05:57 Demo
07:25 Clean Architecture Rules
08:51 What belongs in the Core project
13:48 Demo
16:23 What about CQRS
16:45 What belongs in teh Use Cases project
17:01 Demo
18:35 What belongs in the Infrastructure project
20:02 Demo
21:29 What belongs in the Web project
22:05 Demo
23:57 The Shared Kernel
24:17 Demo
25:52 Resources
25:57 Q&A
Clean Architecture Template
eShopOnWeb Reference Application
Architect Modern Apps w/ASP.NET Core eBook
More from Steve
Clean Architecture with ASP.NET Core 8 | .NET Conf 2023
Clean Architecture with ASP.NET Core 6
ASP.NET Core - Clean Architecture - Full Course
Clean Architecture Project Setup From Scratch With .NET 7
Clean Architecture with ASP.NET Core 3.0 • Jason Taylor • GOTO 2019
The Clean Architecture | Simply Explained | .NET Core
Understand Clean Architecture in 7 Minutes
How to structure a .NET Solution (project separation & architecture)
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Clean Architecture Folder Structure | Implementation of Clean Architecture in ASP.NET Core
Complete Project using Clean Architecture in ASP.NET CORE
ASP.NET Core 8 Web API in Clean architecture from scratch
Clean Architecture in ASP.NET CORE | What is Clean Architecture and benefits
Clean Architecture with ASP.NET Core 3.0 - Jason Taylor - NDC Sydney 2019
How to structure a clean architecture Asp.Net Core app
Clean Architecture Dot Net 6
Clean Architecture with ASP.NET Core 2.2 - Jason Taylor
Unleashing Clean Architecture in .NET 8 - Jason Taylor - Copenhagen DevFest 2023
Onion Architecture vs Clean Architecture Comparison
Clean Architecture C# | Clean Architecture ASP.NET Core Web API | Step-by-Step Guide
The ULTIMATE Clean Architecture Project Template for .NET core clean architecture flow
ASP.NET 6 REST API Following CLEAN ARCHITECTURE & DDD Tutorial | Part 1 - Project Setup
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